
Thursday 22 March 2018


A recent dream showed a reality of regeneration instead of replacement of our historic culture and the location looked like London. In the Isaiah 49 prophecy it mentions how people would come from the west, the north and even from the region of Aswan. It's an interesting prophecy, as some of our guys that are defending freedom of speech with Tommy Robinson are claiming an Egyptian ancestry. 

In the recent dream there was a man from northern Europe, from Sweden, and last week a younger man from northern Europe from Austria was banned from entering our country because he was planning to give a speech at the historic Speakers Corner. A man from Germany, another northern European country was also banned because he had a speech upon him. 

Property Dream - Regeneration not Replacement. 

Two young women from the west were also banned from entering the UK, two western investigative journalists. 

However, there are people with ancestry in the west, ancestry in the north, and ancestry from the region of Aswan living in our country. Many of which are defending freedom of speech and our human rights. 

Isaiah 49 mentions that "captives will be removed from warriors", on-line Muslims refer to themselves as soldiers and in Islamic texts, they're warriors for Islam. In Telford, in Shropshire, women and children were taken captive by Muslims, where's the outrage England? In England it's been happening for at least 40 years, in Islam it's been happening for 1,400 years. 

Even the Sikh community know what has been going on and have been trying to make people aware of the Islamic jihad. The Indian Sikhs have a long history of defending, I remember the days when we would see them at the train stations in London when I was travelling through. 

Isaiah 49 mentions how "the plunder will be retrieved from the fierce", and last weekend a Muslim physically "attacked" a British police officer that was just trying to do his job at Speakers Corner.  

There should be deportations, and the seizing of assets of the families of any immigrant that does such a thing, as justice is crucial for a sane world to exist.

The prophecy states that "I will contend with those that contend with you, and your children I will save". At Speakers Corner, for a long time, Muslims have been contending with British people, there has even been "violence" caused by an Iraqi Muslim that used "violence to silence" a Lebanese Christian. Then there was the case of the South African Christian speaker that was "attacked" three times by Muslims. 

They even surround a Malaysian man that goes to Speakers Corner to share his truth, Tan says he is a tourist. He speaks of how his country has been taken over by Islam and it happened due to immigration. Tan speaks of how Malaysia is now 70% Muslim. You can appreciate how he must feel, and why he feels so passionate about his homeland, that was once Buddhist and Hindu, it has been taken from him. So of course he shouts about it, wouldn't you? I comprehend the strength of Tan, and the strength that he has been given in our country. 

17 million people in the UK, voted to close the borders, those voters included some of our English black voters that have lived in the UK for generations, families that helped to build our country. They are clearly thinking about the future for their children and our culture that made them welcome. The critical thinkers that have seen what has happened to the UK in recent decades are uniting. 

After WW2 in the 1950's, some people were invited to come to the UK in the days when we had infrastructure to rebuild and to run. Some people were even given money to come to the UK. The same happened in Australia, they also invited people to live in Australia, and some English people did go to start a new life. 

In those days, our country had plenty of room and space, not anymore. Our country is overpopulated with people living in the smallest spaces in Europe and British people have had their pensions removed and are having austerity imposed upon them. How atrocious is that, poor British people are now poorer than they were 40 years ago. 

The cost of immigration and it's multiculturalism has exceeded what it brings into the economy for decades. 770,000 people don't even speak English, and in some schools in London, 67% of the children don't speak English either. 

Theresa May made an agreement to give Saudi £100M, and is planning to spend £50M on teaching immigrants English. No, Theresa May, deport those that can't speak English, we can't afford them. If you can't afford to pay people their pensions, if you can't afford to pay for a properly funded NHS, you can't afford foreign aid, you can't afford to pay for immigrants either and their Islamic schools.  

Even the socialist Tony Benn was against the EU and it's plan, and Maggie Thatcher warned that the EU was planning to make our poor, poorer. She was absolutely right, wages haven't gone up in real terms since the 80's, immigration kept wages static, at the same time as the cost of living has soared, many cannot afford to live a proper life due to it.  40 year old's have had to go home and live with their parents because they can't afford the costs, and the UK has the highest rate of depressed men, that we've ever had, are we surprised, no. 

My view is that if immigrants cannot afford to live in the UK, due to them not having their own money, and they can't speak the language, then they should be deported. Didn't David Cameron say that any non-residents earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave the country. We literally, can't afford to keep them. 

When Theresa May was responsible for the home office, the home office knew people were coming into the country from everywhere, yet, they didn't know where they went once they arrived, or what happened to them. 

As some of those people didn't actually leave the country, that means the UK has "illegal immigrants". The question is how many "illegal" immigrants are there living in the UK. 

At least GP's, and recruitment agencies asked to see passports. Although in Greece, Muslims were buying new EU identities, and passports. So there is a lot more "illegals" in the UK than Theresa May is aware of. 

The UN plan is to bring in another 100 million people to the west, and our people are saying no. We do not agree with the UN plan, we have to close the borders immediately. The borders should've been closed right after the vote for Brexit. We do not agree with the replacement of our historic cultures and people, we do not agree with replacing our people, we do not agree with cultural genocide.

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