
Tuesday 13 March 2018


I support Iceland and there proposal to ban circumcision in Iceland. Scriptures shares that Moses didn't circumcise when he led the people out of Egypt.

In the Gospel of Thomas when Jesus was asked, he imparted that if children were meant to be circumcised they would've been born like it from their mother's wombs. Saying 53, GT.

It was an interesting subject, as on my way to Israel in May 2006, I bought a copy of the May issue of New Scientist, in it there was some research on cuts in childhood that mutates genetics.

Mutated genetics that cause allergies and also skin diseases. Of course the more generations of mutated genetics, the more serious the health issues can become. The book of Exodus also warns about the deeds of the fathers impacting on the next generations.

So taking everything into account I am against circumcision for health reasons.  Of course, other operative procedure in childhood can also mutate genetics too. So for instance, I was operated on at ten days old, as I had an hernia, due to the medical professionals cutting my cord too short when I was birthed.

Then at seven years old I stood on a glass that had been thrown in a river, and had to have stitches in my left foot. That's how I came to have the moon under my feet, as mentioned in Rev 12.

Let's have some music.

Some Smokey Robinson 

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