
Tuesday 27 March 2018

For Russia with Love

First let me say, congratulations to Russia and the Russians on their re-election of Putin. He seems to be the only prominent sane leader that is honest enough to speak the truth. Like when he told everyone at the UN, "Do you realise what you have done". That was calling them all out!

This post is for the people that are showing up as coming from Russia to this blog.

My view is that there has been a systematic plan to impact upon the Russian election, and the rhetoric was building up to a crescendo. However, I think their plan backfired. From where I am sitting, most people don't agree with Theresa May, her siding with the EU against Russia and it's diplomats.

Theresa May talks about an explanation in the houses of parliament, yet, where is the evidence, Putin asked for evidence, where is it. As we know, the EU "war narrative" against Putin's Russia has been going on for a long time, although most intelligent people can see straight through it.

From my perspective, the real people in our country are pleased that Putin and the Russian's intervened in Syria with Syria's approval.

We also know that the American and British politicians are siding with Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia has been bombing Yemen for three years. As far as I am aware, the humanitarian relief teams have warned that "Yemen is the biggest humanitarian disaster since 1948." So I am not surprised that Yemen is now firing back at Saudi and it's airports.

Now what does Julian Assange have to say about the diplomatic row. He's made three tweets.

"The manner of and timing of Russian diplomatic expulsions is poor diplomacy. The expulsions occurred 12 hours after one of the worst building fires in post Soviet history, which killed at least 64. Russians will see the timing as gratuitous". 

"That 21 US allies have expelled diplomats over an unresolved event in the UK, the alleged victim country, helps the Kremlin further a narrative that it is under conspiratory siege led by the US". 

"Further while it is reasonable for Theresa May to view the Russian state as the leading suspect, so far the evidence is circumstantial and the OCPW has not yet made any independent confirmation, permitting the Kremlin push the view that Russia is persecuted".

Condolences to Russia in respect of the fire at the shopping mall.

There are major issues at home in the UK to be resolved too, and my view is that Theresa May is trying to take the attention away from what really has to be discussed and actioned by putting the focus onto Russia. By putting the focus onto Russia, she is taking the attention away from much more important things that are very concerning to our people.

It comes to something when many real people in the UK support Putin instead of their PM, Theresa May. Working class people in the UK don't trust Theresa May, and we don't like her either. That's the truth of it.

Nor do we trust Jeremy Corbyn. Both of them are what we call "career politicians". Neither of them have any real achievements under their belt as far as making a real positive difference to our people and our country. We would like our borders closed, and no more immigration, as we are overpopulated, and we live in the smallest spaces in Europe. No more austerity upon our people, while the EU receive billions.

Hope you have a great world cup in Russia this summer.

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