
Friday 30 March 2018

Facebook Costs Lives

Following on from the dream of an American and the "Desist letter" being shared. Englishman Tommy Robinson was banned on Twitter, and prior to that Julian Assange had his internet connection blocked.

Now the news about another American platform that exposes even more Americans, Facebook.

A Facebook memo has found it's way to the media and 3,000 Facebook employees are "angry", exactly as the dream portrayed.

The memo describes how far Americans are prepared to go in order to become the world's most popular social media platform. The writer of the memo admits that the firm engages in "questionable contact importing practices" but claims "it is worth it even if it costs someone a life". 

One American responded, "If we are no longer open and transparent, and instead lock-down and delete, then our culture is also destroyed - but by our own hand".

Indeed. That is true America, and the cost of life is priceless, worth so much more than any American platform. When people were first joining Facebook and Twitter, I looked at both American platforms, and I just didn't get a good feeling about either of them. I just didn't like the energy of those platforms.

When you have a moral compass, when you have a heart of integrity, connecting with people is not worth the cost of life. When you have come to completion within yourselves, when you have found the borders within yourselves, a person then respects the boundaries of others.

So what sort of people are you connecting with on Facebook, did they look after you, did they take care of you, your privacy, and your sanctity. Ponder upon it!

America will not silence us, as Jesus said, "Silence is compliance". Jesus knows about the American "injustice", and surely, America will pay the price for what has happened, that's karma for you.

America reaps what it has sown, and it does come back upon them like a boomerang. Every time an American banned me on an American platform, wherever I went, the repercussions were incredible. Yet, they still didn't learn or appreciate what Jesus said about the one he would send.

Prophet Isaiah stood against "injustice", and so did yours truly. The only reason that I am sharing this story is because I received the dream on the morning of the 29th of March, 2018. On receipt I viewed it as a warning dream about America. Be very aware, very aware indeed.

Americans have been consistent in trying to silence English people. Some Americans don't like it when we write the truth about America and call them out on it. Milo thinks that America is the greatest nation on earth, I don't agree with him on that at all.

Americans don't even put the effort in to come to meet you at the airport, I don't recommend their hospitality. They invite you out for dinner, then give you the bill to pay for it.  Isn't that the same with Facebook, they invite you to connect, than get rich on the backs of the poor, exactly as the bible described.

They offer to pay for your flights begging and praying for you to go to America, then you end up paying for the flights yourself, there is no nation like it, and how it operates, and I have traveled to many different countries during my lifetime.  Seriously, who would wish to live in that country, their culture is so different to our cultures in Europe.

In this report America birth rates are at an all time low, and divorces are at their highest ever, and Facebook think that they've helped relationships.

The fact is that romance has gone out of the window in America states this report. While America has been busy elevating women, it's men have been "desisting", it makes you wonder whatever happened to dignity, and integrity, did America ever have any. American's were offered healing and "rejected" it, and you know what Jesus said about that don't you, judgement would come upon every town and city that "refused" healing. That's why America is in the state that it is in!

Interesting that in a previous dream I had, Americans were coming to England for healing, some Americans were choosing to return to their original homeland to work with English healers. From what I have experienced on the land, and on-line, there is a lot more integrity amongst the people of England, than there is in America.

Milo's report on "Facebook bans admins". 22 people.

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