
Tuesday 6 March 2018


I had an early night, and woke up at 4.00am this morning, I looked at youtube, and I hadn't closed it down, so it had been running automatically all night with the sound off.

Then when I turned the sound up, a video was just about to start and it was on "marriages".  Manis Friedman was doing the talking, he smiles a lot and I like his voice. He was teaching young girls what to do, when they meet someone that they like, things our dad's didn't teach us.

Friedman was born in Prague, although he lives in America. Manis had an interesting chat with the young girls, a lot of what he said made a lot of sense, he made some very relevant points, although I didn't agree with him on everything that he said. Someone should talk to Manis about the scientific fact that the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. So I don't agree with Manis on the very young marriages, or young girls going through pregnancy as young as he would like.

He also says that when you meet your husband, it is a reunion of the souls. If you are married more than once, those are also soul mates. He advised the girls that their past relationships are gone, and not up for discussion, with their prospective partner, although any long term health issues have to be discussed, prior to their marriage proposal.

Then around 7am this morning I was looking for some coloured scarves and in the case where I found them, I also found loads of key rings that were gifted to yours truly outside Elijah's Cave, on Mount Carmel.

In the keyring's there is a miniature copy of the torah, and the rest are pictures of Jewish men and one of them is the Rebbe who appeared in Spirit while I was staying in Safed, the mystical city in northern Israel. Ancient Safed shines like a golden city in the sunshine.

In the case I also found the 30th anniversary of Israel coin that was gifted by a local English woman prior to her passing over. When I asked Jules how she came by it, she said, that the coin had belonged to her dad. It's some years ago now when I traced the coin for that painting, and the message on the coin is thus:

"Might and righteousness, the destiny of Israel lies in her".

It's an interesting message, as in 2006 at the gathering in Israel, a female singer with the first name of Israel was amongst the people that came to join us to tone our names together.

So shalom everyone, three reminders in a matter of hours. It makes me wonder what else will happen today. As it appears to be one of those days of divine interventions. The 6th of March, is the "Day of Beauty", and as I said to a friend the other day, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

The importance of this day in Jewish history, Ein Gedi was secured.


7,000 year old forest uncovered in England by the storm.
Not the first time that the sea has taken some of the land,
and it certainly will happen again.

While bathing this morning, I was shown a 'RED CROSS' on white, and then after that a door like shape with golden yellow energy in a red surround.  It then turned into a large sun shape on a red background. 

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