
Thursday 15 March 2018


Tommy Robinson interviews Lord Pearson, who is asking the house of Lords can we talk about Islam without being arrested? In the interview Lord Pearson shares the state of affairs, and why a national debate isn't happening in a more proactive way.

He also shares why a majority of parliamentarians are not willing to look at Islam in a serious way in the UK. He supports UKIP and recommends that everyone joins UKIP, he thinks that MEP Gerald Batten will be the new leader of UKIP and that he will take it on.

He believes that this can only be addressed in the political framework, due to the laws that have been introduced that is silencing people and their freedom of speech. He is aware that he can speak freely in the house of Lords, although if he said the same things outside of parliament he could be arrested too. Pearson supports freedom of speech in our country, and shared that the Archbishop of Canterbury also spoke and said that the clerics in the UK must stand up and address it too.

People can say what they like about Christianity and Hinduism, yet, they can't say what they like about Islam.

I recommend that everyone that cares about our country, listens to this interview, to get the picture of his perspective and experience of working with existing politicians. Clearly, a majority of politicians are out of step with the rest of the population, and what they call the "ordinary" people.

Very serious times indeed, when a majority of politicians haven't even read the Qu'ran, nor are they willing to look at Islam in depth. People have to be dauntless to even discuss the major issues that relate to Islam. I know about being dauntless been there for a over decade on Islam, and nearly two decades on freedom of speech.

Steve Judd shares that Mars is at the end of Sagittarius, so I am not surprised that there were issues to do with travelling and people coming into our country. Mars is now moving into Capricorn for the next couple of months, I view that as impacting on business due to the dreams that I had in February and March. No surprise then that there is an election of a new leader for UKIP. 

Some people are talking about Russia, we know what that narrative is about don't we, as Russia has been prepared to negotiate with Iran/Turkey and Theresa May has been working with Saudi. Saudi spoke against Iran and Turkey, there are big differences in their Islamic theology.  

Putin is asking for the evidence of what happened in Salisbury, and then he will be willing to discuss it. While the media are focussing on Russia, they're not focussing on the real issues that includes Islam and freedom of speech. 

It's clear that our people are not happy about the Saudi visit, or the fact that Saudi has been promised £100M, that's another reason why they won't discuss Islam, as some politicians would prefer to have business with Saudi, than save their own country from cultural genocide. 

Winston Churchill must be turning in his grave, as he was fully aware that Islam worked with Germany to defeat Europe in WW2, the war never ended did it, it just turned into jihad on our soil. 

There are many aspects to Islamic jihad and it includes economic jihad, and social jihad, social jihad is what happened in Telford. In Islamic texts, women and children are war booty, a clear sign that our country is at war on it's own soil.

Remember this the Arab Saudi that Muslims believe in, took a bereaved Jewish woman and anyone else he fancied, he had many wives. Jewish people were murdered on the African continent, Islam was never peaceful, not even in the beginning of it. Some of us have done our homework. 

Interesting that even the Christian mystic, Nostradamus was warned by Arabs about the Arab conspiracy and ISIS.

Lord Pearson said that the only way to address Islam is via political discourse in the political framework, that process is far too slow for my liking; and every campaign requires multiple prongs to it, for it to be successful.

What we have to bring forth is a legal challenge in a court of law, a class action legal challenge to the current "hate law" and how it is being implemented in England by the police force.

We do have international human rights law and currently, the police and government officials are in contravention of international law. We have the human right of freedom of speech article 19, we have the human right of freedom of movement, human right of privacy, human right of dissent etc.

Christian Concern legal charity exists to help Christians, and there is also Liberty Human Rights UK, another legal charity that not only defends individuals, it also addresses the wider issues that impact upon the people. Through a legal challenge of the existing law that has been closing down freedom of speech, the government will have to answer to the people.

It is time for politicians to learn that they are servants of the people, not in control of the people.

It is time for governments to learn that when making laws that impact upon the people, the people concerned have to be involved, and there has to be engagement. As currently, a majority of the people don't agree with the British government or it's opposition in parliament on most aspects of life in our country. Clearly, most politicians don't know what the human rights law contains; otherwise we wouldn't have to be challenging Theresa May and her party.

This would not be the first legal challenge against the government, Stephen Hawking and doctors also began a legal challenge in respect of the law that is impacting on our NHS. As far as I am aware that judicial review will be held in the summer. There are numerous legal actions for judicial reviews to be held in courts in England, so watch this space.  

Our response has to be legal, scientific and peaceful. I really hope that Theresa May listens to the Pearson interview, great job Tommy. 


770,000 people in the UK don't speak the language of the country that they live in, so Theresa May plans to spend another £50M on immigrants when the NHS is being decimated due to lack of funding. When you started work, and started paying taxes, were you made aware that you were going to have to pay for immigrants to learn your language so that they could integrate, take your homes, your jobs, and children's future.

The British government, where are their marbles. When you have got immigrants in the cabinet, that is a clear sign of cultural genocide. Didn't David Cameron say that any immigrant not earning £36,000+ would have to leave the country, I am sure he did say that. So why are we spending even more money on immigrants instead of deportations! 

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