
Sunday 18 March 2018


There have been various dreams that included English business men and women this year. As featured on this blog. Have they had enough now, are they actually going to talk to the people that they voted for due to what is happening in Europe and the UK. Are business people going to step up, let's see shall we, as when business people demand change, governments have to listen and take action.

This is an RT report about the "Arab Crime Clans" that have taken over Berlin. "Violence to Silence" is the Islamic strategy to take over your countries. Where is the outrage in Berlin, why aren't business people in Germany taking on their government.

After I watched the video above a bright sparkling blue light flashed across my right hand and keyboard. Confirmation that this video has to be shared. Blue light associated with Archangel Michael, and holy mother Mary, the blue flame.  "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". "Violence vexes the Spirit of God". 

What else, news today is that at Blake's in Kent, last night, there was another car ramming at a large nightclub. People have been warned to stay away from such venues in this timeframe due to the risk to your lives. Testimony of warning has been given, more than once, did you spread it, did you share it with parents and young people. If not, why not! 

I remember when Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance".

"Here I am, and the children that the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion" Isaiah 8:18

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