
Saturday 17 March 2018


Following on from my dreams this morning, I've just discovered that David Icke's event has been cancelled in his hometown of Leicester. His talk was going to be held at the Athena venue in Leicester City and it was going to be filmed by a Californian production company that are making a film about his life. Clearly, Athena doesn't love David Icke. In this video David shares what has happened in Leicester.

The video is called, "Story of why David Icke met an "Anti-terrorism officer" and a council "anti-extremist co-ordinator". Neither the police, the council, or the Athena venue management had read any of David's books, or attended any of his talks, yet, they cancelled his event.

David makes it clear that while he has been on his world tour, (since 2016) there has not been a single protest, or anyone harmed at any of his events in all of the different countries that he has spoken in. Hence, they don't have a real reason to cancel his event at the Athena venue. I've just looked at who the MP's are in Leicester. They're all Labour MP's, and Keith Vaz is one of them, do you remember when he was in the news. Keith Vaz was caught on film buying "rent boys", so he doesn't mind paying for it does he. There was national coverage of it in the mainstream media.

Referring back to the first dream this morning, and the two business women, when Julie and I were working together, David Icke and I were both giving talks at the MBS exhibitions at the same time as I was involved in marketing the speakers and exhibitions themselves. So I can see how the dream this morning connects with this as in the dream we were in a large venue together with some other people.

I don't always agree with everything that David says, although in human rights law he does have the human right to say it. Article 19.

The fact of the matter is that the recent news from Telford in Shropshire with Islam is what is known as social Jihad and in Islam, jihad is war, and women and young girls are considered to be "war booty" because it is written in their texts. There is a human right to protect people and children against "slavery" in whatever form it takes.

What is happening in the UK, and has been happening for at least 40 year's is cultural genocide of our country and closing down freedom of speech is a major aspect of that. Because how can you share the truth with the people, if our own nation's people won't allow us to do so. "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".

I recommend that people also listen to this as Lord Pearson asked if we can speak about Islam without being arrested for doing so. The politicians that respond to Lord Pearson, clearly haven't even read the Qu'ran otherwise they would be fully aware of the jihad that is in it.

Read this; news from Palm Beach Gardens in America. The police said that it wasn't random, the juvenile Muslim apparently confessed. Our condolences to the family involved.

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