
Sunday 18 March 2018


Spring Equinox 2018, the best Spring Equinox for a long time. 

Caolan on the live stream said that it was thought there were around 2,000 people at Speakers Corner at London's Hyde Park today. Although from where he was standing it was hard to see how many people were actually there because the police had to stand between two different groups. The camera's were also mainly on close up shots. 

On Tommy's video after the event, it was said that there were around 45,000+ that watched it live on youtube. There was more than one live stream running, and there was over 23,000 on one of the live streams, when I went to the other live stream that also had 23,000+ on it.  I took a look to see if the MSM have written anything about it today, so far, silence. As Jesus said, "silence is compliance".

A Breitbart London journalist, Raheem Kassam was travelling with Tommy, so he is bound to write something for Breitbart. Yes, he has, in fact, he's published the full written speech, written by Austrian, Martin Sellner and it can be read on this link. 

There's also some interesting comments in response to it, and someone from Suffolk who was at the event today has also given his feedback. 


However, I just listened to Brian London's video and he says that the news is that there were around 4,500 people at Hyde Park today in response to Tommy's arrival. Someone who was there from Suffolk says there were 10,000 people at the event. See the link above. 

Victory for England today, victory for the UK and freedom of speech. Most of it was peaceful, although there were a few rumbles from the Muslim side that soon got stopped with the police involved.  

It feels exciting, very exciting, and everyone deserves to celebrate the success of our "Freedom of Speech Day," it is an historic equinox, an historic day in the history of our country and the UK.

To think that I've been campaigning for freedom of speech on-line from the start of the new millennium. Remember the recent business women dream, it was because of that colleague who funded and provided a platform, for people in our country to share, that I was able to share information on-line about our human rights.

When we began defending freedom of speech on-line and standing up to what I called the "PC Brigade".  Tommy was just a youngster in those days, and now he's a man. He plans to return to Speakers Corner again next Sunday. Best wishes to him and England's team. 

Best wishes to Martin Sellner, (Austria) his girlfriend Brittany, (USA) and also to Lauren Southern (Canada) who are now suing the British government, they have legal representation.

A fourth speaker has been stopped from entering England, he too was on his way to Speakers Corner. An EU citizen, Lutz Bachmann the Pegida founder, was stopped at the border, once they found a copy of the speech in his luggage.

British "border control" have "an issue with speeches," "border control" has now become the "speech police".

It's been quite an equinox, an equinox I shall always remember. Best wishes to everyone that attended today, everyone that filmed it, and everyone that watched it. I have a feeling that Queen Victoria and my dad are having a knees up to celebrate the success of "the speech", that was heard by thousands.

Once it goes viral, it will be heard by millions of people, so in gratitude, and appreciation, thank you LORD for hearing yours truly. 

Interesting that the 18th of March, is the "Day of Return".

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