
Thursday 1 February 2018

These Are The Days

1st of February, first day of Spring when we can look forward to gardening again. 

The 1st of February, is the "Day of Wilfulness". So will you utilise your wilfulness to nurture the self, and those that you are in contact with. Will you utilise your wilfulness in the best way possible for yourself and your families. In this time of people changing their direction, and their lives, to improve life and living it. 

Will you take action to improve your lives, in this time of the spring cleaning, preparing for summer. 

A lot of letting go of the bleak winter has been happening during the recent total lunar eclipse, and those that did their utmost to hinder your progress in helping others. 

People who are true, can see the light of love, and love is eternal. Keep going, keep on, carry on our blessed healers, whatever you do, don't turn back. Love is the path of no return to the old way of being. 

You are loved more than you know. For what greater love is there, than the love that nurtures others to attain peace of mind and heart. The love that inspires people to find the happiness within themselves, and shows the people how to attain it. So that they can continue with their spiritual journey on solid ground with a strong foundation. 

What greater love is there than the love that lays down their own life for their friends and family. What greater love is there than that which is magnanimous. We may ponder upon many life situations, at the end of the day, we know what and who is true. 

February, the month of Aquarius, the month of my birth, the key word of Aquarians being freedom, the free Spirit. Spring had begun in the month of my birth, it did herald a new beginning, a new life, a new generation,  a new reality had been born. 

There are some paths that we cannot go down, because there is no peace of mind to be attained there by anyone.  Remember shalom and it's meaning, completeness and wholeness and how that is attained, as once attained, it always is retained. For who can take it from you, for shalom is self-sustainable in your being once you have it and comprehend it.

Only seek that which helps you, to help others. For you are worthy to be helped, remember the Christ teachings, healers hold them gently in your hearts.

"The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual". 1 Corinthians 15:46

I wonder if that was the reason that my dad taught his daughter naturally. The Son of Joseph, a justice of the peace. It does make sense if you think about it in relation to that verse. He even chose a spiritual name, the title of a book, by an author he liked. "Peacemakers that sow in peace, reap a harvest of righteousness" James 3:18

In the 80's, (after he had passed over) Dad was so very happy when wisdom was fundraising for charities with the local business community.

I can just think of how he must have felt when his daughter went to Israel, and afterwards was nominated as a universal peace ambassador in Geneva. Such an incredible journey and mission for us all, what an amazing achievement for him, that everything that he had hoped for naturally, became a reality spiritually.

Funny, that last year, someone asked me if I was incognito. The song sung by incognito has an original date of 1973, an original Stevie Wonder song. In a way the battles to defend the healers and spiritual people of integrity are over, as the relationship with the church as strengthened due to so many Christians becoming complimentary medicine therapists. 

We even have a doctor-healer network, and so many doctors, nurses and other medics have become healers too. You can feel it in their hands when they lay their hands upon you. Relationships have deepened because of it, people can finally see their way through the narrow gap that was open to those that wished to see it. 

As I shared with a universal news agency, who have helped the Christians more than our healers and spiritual teachers with health being the priority and focus. As we know, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus people had to become healers, to step upon the healing path that leads to enlightenment. 

We now have plenty of medical studies on the power of healing, hands on. There have been plenty of medical studies on Reiki healing and training courses too. It was a great pleasure to deliver a list of published studies with a young man by my side, proving that he was correct. That young man knows what he has to do, and it is up to him to take responsibility and put it into practice.

So a new year begins with a new spring in our step. Relationships have been consolidated in 2017 with fresh beginnings in 2018 with major changes happening. Remember this love never dies, as it is eternal. So conserve your energies, nurture yourselves, be strong in heart and mind.

Live your dreams, as many people do support your endeavours, and sheer effort to help others to help themselves. Always remembering that some people are still very "stressed out", over what is happening with the journey, due to Brexit and the NHS.

People are "stressed out", over their careers, and some of the career choices that they've made. Far too many sub-contractors involved in our NHS budgets, and far too much pressure on our workforce.

Friends and colleagues know there are big changes happening, especially to do with the mind, due to the prophets and mystical healers that arrived and especially in the phase of the recluse. The mind is in every cell of the body, and every cell has a mind of it's own.

Life changed everything in a twinkling of an eye. Yes, I am still in touch with our Asperger's friend bless him. I received another email from him today. What a journey it has been for all of us, and some young mums are celebrating the success, just look at the children that became healers, even my own son.


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