
Sunday 25 February 2018


After blogging the news on Italy, I saw an energetic lightning bolt in bright blue on my left side go behind the candle that is lit on my desk. A lightning bolt - divine storm in Italy. Out from the throne comes flashes of lightning.

Then just prior to painting I was given the name Stephen, so the name of this painting shall be as spoken divinely and I do have a connection with that name in Italian, and Italy. The painting is in lazuli blues, the azures. See what you can see in the painting, I can see a houseboat like Noah's ark, and a large animal over the top of it. It looks like a water lion, although the Italian is an Aquarian.

The name is derived from the Greek word Stefanos.

The Italian actress, Sophia Loren appeared in a film with the name "Houseboat". Italians speak of the great difference between the economics of the Italians in the north -v- the south, the financial inequality combined with the huge influx of immigration has brought huge despair to many Italians due to the high unemployment rate.

It was in 2002, that Italy replaced their currency with the Euro, after that happened prices escalated so fast, their economy could not keep up with it. The same happened in other European countries that changed their currency. When EU countries took on the EURO, their tourism decreased accordingly, and with it their income. In Greece, their tourism decreased by at least 50% the Athenians said, and that has had a catastrophic impact on the economy of that country too. Was it worth it Italy, is the EU worth that amount of devastation to the prosperity of your country and it's people.

Maggie Thatcher was correct when she warned in parliament that the plan of the EU was to make the poor, poorer, and the rich, richer. Italy have certainly felt the pinch of that, they are being squeezed like a lemon on all sides.


Message received, "REVERBERATION".  In the 14th century it meant reflection of light or heat.

In old French, "Great flash of light".

The last time that I was in Italy was in 2004, I was looking for property. Property was very reasonably priced in southern Italy, although a majority of the properties required huge improvements and one had to take those costs into account. Easy if you have someone to do the work with or for you, not so easy if you have to do it in aloneness.

I considered moving to Italy, as the Italians were great supporters of the work that I had been involved in during the Rev 12 timeline.  When the Spirit said Come, they certainly arrived with the power of love.

Italy is such a beautiful country, the most ecological farmland in Europe. Although it does get very hot indeed in the summer time. May and September are great months to visit that country, and other countries in southern Europe.

So what's for lunch today, it has to be Italian, an Italian fish stew with celery, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and onions. Loads of garlic, black olives and white fish, prawns and mussels with a splash of red wine. Half a fresh lemon juice, and some parsley.  Some home made black olive and garlic bread rolls would be nice to go with it.

To those that tried to stop the divine information reaching the spiritual, it was distributed internationally by the spiritual prior to some Americans trying to stop it. In fact, some Americans even had the audacity to remove the name of yours truly, prior to distributing it and publishing it.

Although the Italians kept the articles distributed in tact and they are certainly honoured for doing that. The Italians honoured the source and who delivered it, which is the honourable and godly thing to do. They even translated it into Italian prior to uploading it to Italian websites.

Interesting that there have been more page views from Russia than from America in the last month.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, ok, I just went into my silver cloud healing room, and two of my pots of herbs are on the floor with the soil spread over the carpet.
