
Wednesday 7 February 2018

Nehemiah's Final Reforms

I received a very important message this morning and it was both written for me to read, and the words were also spoken, I was told that I had "escaped" a specific "curse" to do with an American reality and location, and it does relate to a specific "user name".

Afterwards I looked to see what I could find on that avatar name, and it can be found in various locations in America, it is also the name of a "video game" and a psychology to do with "drugs".

I then looked to see where the "curse" was mentioned, and it is mentioned in the book of Nehemiah, the passage is called, "Nehemiah's Final Reforms". The NIV translation states, chapter 13. "On that day the Book of Moses was read aloud in the hearing of the people there it was found written that no Ammonite, or Moabite should ever be admitted into the assembly of God, because they had not met the Israelites with food and water, but had hired Balaam to call a curse down upon them. (Our God though turned the curse into a blessing). When the people heard this law, they excluded from Israel all who were of foreign descent". 

What's interesting about that verse is that when I was sent to America in 2008, to walk upon that land for the first time in this lifetime; to warn Americans about Obama and the Liberal Democrats.

The Americans didn't meet me at the airport, or hotel, nor did they provide any food or water when those that I had arranged to meet, met with me. In fact, they even invited me out for dinner then handed the bill to me to pay.

Once Upon A Time America 

I even had to send Michael money so that he could come to meet me. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel, and he passed over in 2010. Not only that, but I had to send him financial help so that he could have electricity in his house. He said that the money would be repaid, but it never was. That trip to America was the most expensive trip that I have ever taken during my life. Michael had said that he would pay for the flights to the destination, and after the flights were booked, he said, he was unable to pay for them, because his account had been locked.

So I ended up paying for everything because those that claimed his inheritance didn't reimburse yours truly. They didn't even send me the film or photographs of me that he had in his camera when they were asked to do so. Or anything that I had left with Michael with the intention of it being returned. The American's didn't return my property, nor did they heed the words shared with them.

Nehemiah's final reforms also mentions "Balaam", and as far as I am aware that is reference to the "donkey". The "beast of burden", and the Obama'a Liberal Democrats political party have the "donkey", as their symbol. Obama plans to campaign for the Liberal Democrats in 2018, and we know some of the people were paid to support the Liberal Democrats realities. We also know what happened at the voting booth the last time that Obama was elected.

Don't You Get It

If we then cross reference with the Proverbs, "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those that close their eyes to them receive many curses". Proverbs 28:27.

As far as I am aware the Moabites were "big abortionists", hence why it has been associated with America, remember that Liberal Democrats. It was also the American "Planned Parenthood" that were "selling the body parts of aborted babies" and I could never approve of that American reality.

Yours truly did not close her eyes to a Canadian that required help either, we did everything we could to get him the financial help he required to get him out of a dire situation. I don't think that any Americans helped him either, financially.

There is also a Scottish fairytale about a "persecuted heroine", it's like the story of Cinderella. It speaks of how they made one of her feet bleed, and that is how they knew who she was. In that story, she went to the church three times, and while there a young man fell in love with her. I'm trying to think how many times I went to Scotland, I think I went three times.

That then can be seen as relating to what happened with Jesus in the scripture, when the woman was bleeding, and it stopped when she touched the hem of his clothes. That story is called the "bleeding woman". There was also a song called "bleeding love", and that came out to coincide with yours truly doing her best to help north Americans to make a breakthrough.

So I have departed from the American reality, as it is written, "the departed righteous dwell in a place of perpetual light, it's the only way that I can live a healthy life".

In the book of Revelation chapter 22, it says, "No longer will there be any curse. The Throne of God and of the lamb, will be in the city, and his servants will serve him".

Shalom, be whole, be complete, only love beyond measure can help you to attain it.

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