
Friday 16 February 2018

Moon in Virgo 1/2nd March, 2018.

Virgo the Virgin, Virgo the perfectionist. 

1st of March is the "Day of Artistic Expression". 

2nd of March, is the "Day of Undying Loyalty". 

In this new year of the earth DOG.  As we know the dog loves faithfully, and dogs have undying loyalty. So who and what will you be loyal to; what are your priorities, what would you like to perfect in your life. Are you a healer, and do you work with animals. Dogs are great healers, and love us for all that they are given. Most dogs are certainly a great blessing in most owners lives. 

My son was born in a dog year, so it should be a good year for him. The birth of my son, and the beautiful maternity hospital that was taken over by the property developers. As far as I am aware the maternity facilities were decreased, and now we only have a third of the facilities that we had in the 80's. Yet, we have had a huge population explosion, is it any wonder that our NHS cannot cope with the explosion of amount of people requiring it's services. I remember reading of how one pregnant mother had to be driven to a different county to give birth. 

In the UK our people's undying loyalty is to our national healthcare system, a system that others would love to have. Political parties come and go, yet, our national healthcare system outlives those members of parliament.

Another reason why it is being Americanised, and we  have to put a stop to the privatisation. So look at what is going on in your local community, and how can you express it artistically to share with others, to open the eyes of the people, to open the hearts of the people, to open the ears of the people. 

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