
Thursday 15 February 2018

MILO on Valentines Dating Advice

Milo discusses dating advice in America.

Discussing politics on the first date, clearly that is what is most important to Americans like Laura Loomer. What happened to romance Laura, politics is certainly not something that I would discuss on a first romantic date. I would be more interested in the person themselves, and exploring their heart. Only after I had begun to explore their heart, would I decide, whether a second date is a possibility as far as I am concerned. 

It's also important to allow a man to discuss what he would like to discuss on a first date. I must admit in hindsight, a first date at the cinema, doesn't give a couple much time to communicate. So if a man takes you to the cinema for a first date, it is then established that he isn't a communicator and it might be difficult to communicate about anything meaningful. 

From experience, if a man is very keen about going out with you, he doesn't stop talking because his interest in you is huge. In so doing, you find out a lot about him, and it enables you to find out how interested you are in him, and where he is coming from. 

Communication, and the ability to communicate is essential in any relationship for it's growth and development. However, if he raises the question of politics, then a woman can engage. Although if he takes you out with the idea of having a relationship, why would he wish to discuss politics on a first date. Unless that's all he's got to talk about!

Another thing that a man shouldn't discuss on a first date is money, and his or your financial position. For an incurable romantic that is a real turn-off. A first date should be centred on each other, not realities outside of the self. If that's a success, there's always plenty of time to discuss other matters. 

If a man gives you the silent treatment, after the first date, then drop him like a hot cake, he's a player.

Absence doesn't make the Aquarian heart grow fonder. If a man is really keen, he's already decided when he would like to see you next, and will offer you a second date, and time to meet prior to the end of the first date.

If he's made his mind up that you are the woman that he would like to date, he will be organised in advance. There is nothing casual about a man when he is serious about a woman.

If he really loves you, wild horses won't keep him away. It's usually the case that if the chemistry is right between you, you will know quite quickly whether the two of you have any potential together.

When it works, it's easy, and it just flows. If it doesn't flow easily, then that can be a warning sign that it won't work out.

Depending on a person's age, will depend how serious they are, it's often the case when people are in their 20's, they're not looking for a serious relationship, but just someone to date and have fun with.

That's often the time when you have guys coming from all directions, my mature advice don't be flattered by a proposal, it's important that a couple is compatible, mind, body and soul.

Make sure that you're totally in sync with each other on every level of being. As you can often find that you are out of sync with someone, or they are out of sync with you. When and if people are out of sync, that's when misunderstandings can occur.

If that happens, sometimes it's hard to get the relationship back on track as it takes a lot of putting the effort in. If a man doesn't put the real effort in to begin with, he sure won't put the appropriate effort in when things get more serious.

If you find that you are putting in more effort than your date, than review it, as why would you wish to be in such a relationship. Self-respect is crucial, it's imperative, so stand your ground, and don't compromise when your dignity is at stake.

It's also important that you know what your soul journey's are pre-destination, as only soul journey's that are compatible will keep a couple together in the purest of intentions. So be true to yourselves, stay focussed on what you would like to achieve in your life, as life goes quickly.

Some people don't know what their dream is, a lot of people just drift through life, so make sure that you know what your dream is. It's better to complete your soul journey alone, than compromise and not complete what you came to the planet to be. As Jesus said, "Never forget who you are". Shalom, be whole, and complete.

One of my questions on a first date, "what is your dream", in other words, what would you like to do with your life.  Are your dreams compatible, if they aren't then that can cause a split in the future. Remember that men are not always honest with you, when you are the focus of their affections, as many have a one-track mind.

Some men will make promises, with no intention of fulfilling them, just to get what they want. So make sure that you explore those hearts fully, and don't ignore that which you don't like, as nothing can smooth it over further down the road in the long term. It's interesting that the men that really loved you, always love you, whether you stayed together or not.

Self-respect, don't ever compromise upon it, ever. Remember it's your heart and soul involved, don't let anyone trample upon it, or there is nothing left but feeling bereft.

Stay true to integrity of heart, there is no compromise where integrity is concerned. Remembering that a soul that requires healing, is like a flower in your hand, it can be easily crushed. So hold every soul that is brought to you for healing - gently in your hands.

As scripture specifies, encourage men to be self-controlled and self-disciplined. In everything set them an example by doing good. In your teaching show them integrity of heart, seriousness and soundness of speech, in this you are held in high regard, by those that live the truth in the light of love and it's vibrations. Being true to the self, always means speaking the truth, and keeping to your agreements. A true heart can only speak the truth, whether people wish to hear it or not.

There is a saying that men fall in love with their eyes, and women fall in love with what they hear, life isn't that simple, it's far more complex than that. Actions speak louder than words where romance and relationships are concerned. Dads impact on careers, and mums impact on relationships, sometimes they overlap as they did with yours truly, an eclipse of the heart.

Another great English singer, Sade, from East Anglia.

Have a very happy and romantic solar eclipse. Romance is still alive and love is eternal.

The gulls are inland for food today. and the stat update is that there have been 990 page views from Russia in the last week. That's a huge increase from Russia. That reminds yours truly of when my dad sent two dozen red roses to my mum signed, "From Russia with Love".

He was so romantic, the most romantic man that I've had the pleasure of knowing. I used to enjoy watching my parents together, in their 50's they said that they were more in love in their 50's, than they were in their 20's.

They came through all the storms together, it was a marriage that was meant to last the test of time. After dad passed over, I used to tell my mum, how very blessed she had been, to experience such great love. And that not everyone gets to experience the intensity of their love in a lifetime.

As a friend once said to yours truly, it is better to have loved, than to have never loved at all. She admired my ability to love truly with all of my heart and soul.

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