
Monday 12 February 2018

Grape Growing UK

My grape vine is growing in all directions, so I have been advised to prune it. It was a small vine that I bought at the end of the season in 2017, reduced from £15.00 to £5, and it had small grapes on it.

I kept it in the garden until just prior to the depth of winter. I then brought it in doors, and it sat in my healing room. It wasn't long before it began to grow again. I now have to think about where I am going to put it when the weather becomes warmer.

This author has managed to grow his grape vine in his shed.


10th February, 2018 

This guy is growing grape vines in pots, in addition to the ground.

Anything is possible, when you give it a try. 

I've moved the turmeric onto the window sill in the lounge as it is a warmer room. The growth on the turmeric has been very slow during the winter time in doors, in fact, I think it has hardly grown at all.

The olive tree has shed loads of leaves, the olive tree is in a large pot indoors, I don't think I gave it enough water during the wintertime. So I am giving that a lot more attention now, last year it had daily attention from these healing hands, so the olive tree definitely requires a big booster. 


So I have moved the olive tree too, so I can keep a closer eye on it. Checked on the other plants that were in the temporary greenhouse, and there are new shoots arriving on some of those. The saffron still hasn't done much, so we will see if that does anything when the weather improves. The lemon tree grown from a pip is still growing very slowly, I am hoping that will increase.

It won't be long now before we can start thinking about tomato seedings and more chilli plant seedings. The tomatoes were a great success last year so that is definitely on again for this year. I am looking forward to gardening and growing food again in 2018, and trying some new things. My second year at trying this new hobby, and I enjoyed it so much last year.

It's a long time since I have been to the olive groves, the days of teaching and walking on that land. It was great to teach and give healing amongst the olive groves and grapevines.

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