
Friday 16 February 2018


Somebody's Love 

Album name: "Young as the morning, old as the sea". 

I was listening to Passenger, and while listening to him singing, "Somebody's Love", a golden light shot across the wall on the left side of me, it was thin like a spear from the window, going to the corner of the room. The golden energy flashed by, the golden Christ energy, glory and honour in this corner of the room. One could view it as the corner of life, and that we have turned the corner of life.

After I wrote the last two sentences, I could feel the power of his love shower upon me, blessed confirmation, that what is written is correct. It's HOT!


Live what you love, show people how to turn the corner in their lives. In the book of Ruth, the woman is the guardian-redeemer of the family. Ruth 3:9. Has you have helped others, so you are helped and clarification is given on the next phase of the journey of the divine plan.

The guardian-redeemer helps people that have lived through difficult circumstances to turn the corner of their lives. It is the point at which a person has moved on to a better life, and in so doing helping the life of others because once you've done it, you can share with others how to do it.

As written the departed righteous dwell in a place of eternal light. When you have turned the corner of your life, people can see that you have overcome, and been victorious. Although you do find that some people are happy about it, and some that are not.

Those that are really happy for you are the ones that comprehend the immensity of what was faced with the heart of integrity, from which we cannot waiver. It requires strength and courage to stay true to the divine plan, no matter what difficulties you encounter along the way.

Difficulties are just obstacles to be overcome, and once you know how to overcome all the obstacles that are presented to you, life becomes a lot easier for you. Always remember that love is the path of no return to the old way of being.

So it is often the case that when you appear in your community again, after a long time, you look different, you sound different, you are different than people thought you would be. Life circumstances does change us, and our views on life due to our experiences of life and people have different life experiences to share.

Listen to what people have to say, hear what is in their hearts of sincerity. Listen to their life story. I remember meeting a Buddhist in Australia, a CEO of a children's charity, and the first thing he said to me when I met him, was, "what is your story".

He was asking how I came to be interested in "depressed and suicidal children". People who are sincere of heart, do ask such questions, as to why you came to join them. Why you care so much about a particular cause, why it is so important to you, questions are often a way of exploring hearts.

After I had shared my story with the CEO, he then shared his life story, we both understood the reason for our meeting and how much it meant to us both. Our hearts had been compelled to save, whenever, and wherever we could.

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