
Saturday 24 February 2018


It's interesting how many people can't hide from the heart of this integrity.

The dreams have been so significant, from the dream in 2017, that showed yours truly that I wasn't being allowed to go down a particular path during the winter months due to that path being blocked.

And that I was not to return to that location or people again, they had been called out a few times.

Slowly, but surely, the people in that location are being "exposed", one step at a time, as more and more comes into the light of day.  As Jesus said, "They thought that you were a novice". As I have often said, "They must think that we were born yesterday".

Sometimes what has been shown to yours truly is "shocking", especially when some of those people profess to be Christians. I can see why the LORD wished for me to depart from their reality. For the righteous dwell in a place of perpetual light.

Sometimes we are "ejected", from an earthly reality, for the purpose of our own sanctity, and safety, like James Bond and his parachute. Sometimes because what had to be achieved has been completed, as such, no reason to go back to it.

Sometimes because the LORD would like you to see what is going on in that location with your eyes and ears wide open for his purpose.  So the next time someone suggests that you join it, you can open their eyes and ears to what is going on in that reality and charity.

Situations evolve, interesting that it is Lent, in orthodox Christianity, and some of the so-called Christians have got the spotlight on them, while the truly spiritual relax in candle light feeling good in the godly healing energies.

Life missions and their reason for being to serve the purpose and the cause of life and living it's spiritual potential.

I don't think that this is only going on the UK, and England, I think this is happening throughout the western nations, and probably further afield too. Only integrity can stand in the true light of the spiritual truth and it's justice.


No coincidence then that there are legal cases going on at this time, in this year of the dog. Even Richard Branson has been defeated in the courtroom in England. There are many more court cases waiting to be heard and judged upon.

I think there will be a lot more before 2018 comes to a close, as we were advised, "doors are closing".

The Branson case is to do with health and Branson trying to privatise our children' healthcare system in the UK with access to billions of national budgets.  Even Stephen Hawkins with doctors are bringing forth a court case against what the politicians have been doing in England. That court case is being held in London.


Does it remind you of Matthew 3:12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat in the garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire".

Four more days and it will be the Jewish holiday of PURIM, on the 28th February, 2018. 28 is the numeric of the spring Lamb, so look before you leap into any new ventures, or adventures. It is the numeric of genius, although it requires genius to ensure the future is safe and secure for those that require the most help. 

Remember this that financial security does not buy you health, ponder upon it, sometimes financial security comes from doing what is right, and sometimes that requires a legal action. We can think of Purim as a time of legal action, and usually, the godly win. Dog years are usually beneficial and prosperous for yours truly, in whatever endeavour it is, or whatever I give my support too. 

28th of February, is also the day of ZEST, oh yes, the ZEST of the citrus fruit, my lemon tree is still growing. So what does the bible code have to say, this year, oh yes, Elijah is mentioned in it.

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