
Saturday 24 February 2018



With four days to go to Purim, and the bible code mentions Elijah. Purim begins on the 28th of February, and in numerics 28 is the numeric of the lamb, so look prior to leaping into anything new this spring. I view Purim as a time of the godly and the law of the prophets striking in a manner that cannot be controlled by earthly realities.

The energy of Elijah is a healer of children, just as Jesus was also a healer of children. Hence, when I was sent to Ein Gedi in Israel in 2006, I was sent to give healing in and around the swimming pool were disabled children were swimming, as we know, water carries memory. I was divinely guided that I would be shown some children from an orphanage prior to leaving England. Interesting that 2006, was also a year of the dog.

So people better not get in the way of the healing of the children, and the healing of the poor, or there will be a very high price to pay. Remember what Elijah said about the flour, make sure you have plenty of flour and oil.

What different oils do you have, I had rice bran oil, and sesame seed oil last night. Although I have a selection of oils for cooking, and a selection of oils for healing. Although some oils can do both. Some people think that they are allergic to wheat, when in fact, it is often the case that they are allergic to yeast, as I am.

Everything in moderation, keep a balanced diet and menu's. Make sure you eat to satisfy what your body requires when it requires it. Your body requires different boosters at different times of your life, in response to different health conditions and systems in the body. Remember this that the medical scientists are still discovering how the body is made and how it works. The body is truly miraculous in how it all works like a symphony.

In England, this year, there are a lot of legal actions going on, specifically to do with the healthcare of children in our country. Richard Branson has been defeated in the courts, way to go, legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

A lot is also going on to do with food and nutrition, no coincidence then that Elijah's energy is in to that in a very powerful way. What we do divinely, is supported by science, and the latest scientific information. Jesus the Jew, said, "They thought that you were a novice", big smiles, my dad was one of the sons of Joseph.

If anyone could prepare his daughter, for what was ahead, he could. Dad liked to dress up and my parents liked to dress me up. I still remember the flamenco dress and wedding dress that mum sat and made whilst on holiday. When my son was young, I had a dressing up basket full of things to dress up in. It was a huge basket.

So what will you and your children be in this year of dog, and what presents shall you give. Purim lasts from the 28th of February - 1st March, 2018. Children love a party, don't they, make sure what you give them to eat is healthy for them. I've been eating a date cake with coconut oil, cashew nuts, and covered in chocolate. Delicious. There is a lot of fibre in dates, and I just think they're wonderful.

I remember the days when my son would give his mum a box of dates as a present, in those days he could buy a box of dates for £1 from his pocket money. He was such a sweet and adorable Aquarian child, always giving me presents, sometimes he would pick flowers on his way home from school and give them to his mum. I used to say to him, "Where did you get those from".

Last night I also had a meal with sesame seeds, the great thing about seeds is that they metabolise quickly. The smaller the seeds, the quicker they metabolise. So make sure that the children get plenty of seeds in the food that you make for their parties.

Make sure that what you give the children to eat improves the flora in their little bodies, as this will defend their bodies and immune systems as they grow. I was hoping to do some decorating today, never mind, there is always tomorrow. The children are more important in my reality, making sure that they're happy, and having a good time.

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