
Tuesday 20 February 2018

Conservatives £10 A Week

Some Conservatives think that people can feed their children for £10 a week.

Jack Monroe that was living in poverty had a shopping list published, in 2014, this article on the story says that the same food list would now cost £16.20. However, that is the bare minimum, do Conservatives really think that is a healthy diet filled with the appropriate nutrients that a family can live on in a healthy way. I suppose food is just food to Conservatives, never mind the quantity of nutrients that are required by growing children.

That list didn't even include fresh veg and fresh salad. Let alone a selection of fruit, nuts and seeds. My child had a fruit bowl filled to the brim, a very large fruit bowl, with every fruit that it he liked, including kiwis. He always had nuts available too, to eat.

Remember this that the body was made to process food, not eat processed food, and gut health is crucial to the health of children, especially in their formative years up to the age of three. A majority of what is listed by Jack Monroe is ultra-processed food, that is children living in poverty, that is austerity.

"Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy". Proverbs 31:9

I noticed this earlier today. This on the NHS website, dated 15th February, 2018.

"Ultra-processed food linked to Cancer".

I think those Conservatives should listen to Professor Simon Carding. Leader of the Gut Health and Food Safety Research Programme Institute of Food Research and Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia. Maybe it would help those Conservatives to fix their guts and in so doing their brains. Do they even know how the body works, and how the health of pregnant mums and their microbes impacts upon their children and their health. Specific nutrients are essential for a healthy child.

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