
Monday 5 February 2018

Businessman Dream

I had another dream early this morning at dawn. A local businessman that I used to know was inviting me out for dinner and he was all pleased with himself.

In the next part of the dream we were in a large house that looked bare, then suddenly his wife walked in and he left the room. She and I had a great chat about life and love. There were no hard feelings between the woman and I, she knew what he was like.

It was just a social get-together, nothing more. Business people do get together, socialise together, and have fun together, that doesn't mean it goes any further, especially when a man is married and you have a moral compass.

The house being bare, looked like the people had moved out of it. Has explained in a recent dream interpretation, to dream of a house is symbolic of achievement. This is the second dream of a house being up for sale. Although in this dream a relationship was involved. 

It would make sense if you think of our generation of business people getting ready for the third phase of their lives, and a lot of people are capitalising on their assets, and choosing different properties for the next phase of their lives. 

In the previous house dream it was to do with having less cost for maintenance. Although that house also had an underground bunker that I viewed as being significant to the timeline. As it was a recurring dream. 

In the businessman dream, the businessman was really pleased to see me. We've known each for decades. Fond memories of us all being together in the same location. To dream of business can be a warning dream, due to business being very "competitive." In dream interpretation it can indicate a "sticky", time ahead in a 'hostile' business environment. 

That then would also align with the Chinese Year of the Dog, for anyone that was born in the year of the horse.  Although to dream of the wealth of others, "means that you have no reason to doubt the sincerity of your friends". As business friends have fond memories of you, your sincerity and heart of integrity.

In dream interpretation, to dream of another woman, or women, in a business dream, indicates that there will be an increase in prosperity, and this is the third dream in recent weeks with a business woman featured in the dream.

Although if we take the rest of the aspects of the dream into account, it may not manifest in the way that you might think. The dream indicates a pleasant time, and a time to socialise, in openness with people that you know. Just speak from your heart, and everything will be alright.

2018 is not as easy as yours truly would like it to be for launching new projects, as such, I just have to stay relaxed and go with the flow. This dream indicates that people will come to you, to connect, and reconnect. It feels like a time of revitalising, and re-energising with people who are sincere, with energies that support you, and your reality. A supportive role for yours truly in 2018, supporting those that are close with their plans.

Around my birthday we have the solar eclipse energies coming in, and I always prefer the solar eclipse energies that are usually awesome. This forthcoming solar eclipse is also in Aquarius, my sun sign, so it will be interesting how it manifests in my life.

This week while buying some art materials. I felt a wave of love come upon me, great confirmation that I have to move forward with the paintings for this phase of my own life. Always peaceful, self-contained, and placid in the creative energies with boundaries firmly in place. People have been reminded of the importance of self-respect, and leaving people with their dignity in tact.

People that have found the boundaries within themselves, also respect the boundaries of others. Sometimes that can require intensive healing work, until people truly comprehend it. The perpetual light and love of our healing community is a wonderful reality and realm to live in. Once you have lived it, it always calls you to come home. This dream is further evidence of that fact, I have to be with people that are sincere. That means being with my own people.

Shalom, be whole and complete, so that new beginnings can come to be in your lives. For you are loved more than you know. The light of love prospers wherever the love goes and the righteous live in the perpetual light of love beyond measure.

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