
Monday 5 February 2018

2018 Heavenly Grand

2018, the heavenly grand for those born in the year of the horse. Interesting that the new chinese year of the dog coincides with the incoming solar eclipse this year and it is also in Aquarius. The solar eclipse is going to be powerful for sun sign Aquarians that were also born in the year of the horse.

The horse is also symbolic of freedom, and the key word of Aquarians is also freedom. I will also be in a one year of a new nine year life cycle on my birthday this month. One years vibrate with the sun energies, leadership, personhood, with the priority being the self, one's own life, and those that you share your life with.

Health wise one has to concentrate on the circulation system and eyesight, and I'm already prepared with supplements for those systems of the bodies, in addition to the appropriate nutrition.

Work wise a one year is creative, creativity that allows for freedom of movement, and freedom from restriction with a measure of self-authority. Although a one year has strong masculine energies, and influence, as a one year is a masculine numeric, as such, if you are in a one year too, you may find yourself in a supportive role and leading by being supportive to others. I have to admit that supporting others that have been close to me in previous years, has already come into effect.

A one year in numerics is also to do with the physical body, and focussing on personal resources. Hence it is a big one for anyone involved in self-help, running groups or writing self-help books. Especially if you are unique, and are doing something that is unique. You lead, others will follow through and make incredible breakthroughs.

Letters of the alphabet that resonate with the one year are A, J, and S. The keyword for a one year is also "Positive", so it has been important to leave behind anything or anyone that hasn't been positive in my life, prior to the new year commencing.

Loving and being loved is vital in a one year, and it is when a person's dignity is unmistakable and unshakable. A great year for being original, creative and inventive and a great love for children and young people. A one year also gives a person protection for the essential being of the individual and their individuality.

As we know every horse is unique, with their very own personality, and they usually have big personalities too. Personalities that some can only dream of having, although they can kick too when they have too, and it's best that people don't get in their way, if and when they start kicking.

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