
Wednesday 24 January 2018

YAHWEH'S Message

It has been an interesting 24 hours in the lead up to the forthcoming eclipse. The 22nd/23rd January.

It began while I was cooking, with him speaking of the "cockeyed American", to him saying, "He said, they bled her dry' in respect of yours truly. When healers and teachers are bled dry, people getting ill soars, as is the case in Ireland.

Then there was the glimpse of a Puffin bird seen in my bedroom on my left, a little while after, followed by the word's spoken, YAHWEH. It was very clear.

After that a dream, and it turned out to be a warning dream to prepare me in advance of what would transpire today. He often warn's me in advance to prepare me for what is ahead. The dream was in an English location, in a pub setting, on an Island, and it was about a health research group of women and how they were being treated by the men in that location. Some men were for it, and some men were against it.

So it came as no surprise to me, that I received an email on the 23rd of January, confirming what I had seen happen in the dream.  It wasn't the first dream that I had received relating to that charity, and the path that it is on.

As we know some charities support the government policy, and are used for political gain. Whereas, Yahweh stands against austerity that has been inflicted upon the poor. You only have to cross-reference with the texts to confirm that is the truth.

Health is a matter that is beyond politics to those that have invested their time in investigating it, and have experienced it for themselves.

I smiled, as I knew before it happened, that our health research group would be moving onwards because health is our priority and focus. It might sound cryptic to some people, not to those involved in healing, complimentary medicine and cutting edge science that supports it.  Our healers are incredibly important to humanity, and have saved the NHS billions.

We cannot be silenced by those that are afraid of magnanimous love. Us women have to do the washing up (and I don't mean dishes) and make sure our healing voices are heard.

Justice must be done, and there is a judicial review being held on the 24th April, 2018 at Leeds Crown Court. Local Health Matters more than any big pharmaceutical company, or financiers that are interested in taking over our NHS.

Health and nutrients is a hot issue for pharmaceutical companies, and the medical profession it supports. This isn't something that just began, as we know, it has been going on for decades with big pharma trying to patent everything that is natural and pure.  The light of the truth will prevail, it always does.

What's interesting is that the Puffin bird, as been referred to as a monastic bird due to his colouring, and it lives in remote areas in the northern hemisphere.  The north is also the direction of healing. However, it is also intent on relationships. Endings and new beginnings, rare incoming eclipse energies. You could say, that it is a PUFFIN eclipse.

The Puffin is interesting as there is also a children's publisher with that name and I have worked with children and families during my career in health and complimentary medicine, including presenting to and teaching medics that train people to become medical professionals. In fact there is a doctor-healer network in the UK.

Puffins are a small bird, very sweet with feet like a duck. The difference between a Puffin and a Penguin, is that the Puffin can fly, and the news certainly flew in advance.


13th February, 2017 

Some have said, that my case has been a remarkable recovery, a life turned around again with pure intent and the power of love. Others have said that they admire the commitment shown. What I can say is that my hands have been strengthened, another biblical prophecy to do with health fulfilled.

I view it as miraculous for this aramatheopist. Healing is certainly under your wings and it has taken flight amazingly. You could say Yahweh is Yah way, pure awesomeness, birds certainly fly my way.  Big smiles.

So it is with great gratitude that my life is always divinely guided, and in so doing I have been enabled to help others in the appropriate timelines in different realities and states of consciousness. We have been blessed with divine help and it is always appreciated by those that are true. So let's have some music to finish this blog post, the young man that was saved by his teacher while he was at school in London city. Yahweh saves.

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