
Monday 22 January 2018


Saturday evening I could smell cigars, then in the night I got up to go to the bathroom and I was shown a vision of an eclipse.

The next eclipse is at the end of of this month. 31st of January, 2018. "A total lunar eclipse, a supermoon (Perigee) and a blue Moon (when two full Moon's occur in the same calendar month). 

Having all three of these possibilities happen at once is quite rare indeed. Apparently, the last time this happened was on the 31st of March, 1866, and it won't happen again until the 31st of December, 2028.

March 1866, was the month and year that the USA passed the Civil Rights Bill. Interesting that it was discovered that some of the Obama supporters didn't even know that the civil rights activist, MLK had passed over 50 years ago. Seriously, how intelligent is that!

Leo usually impacts upon the "inner child", and I've already been feeling the energies of this eclipse coming in, via emails that I have been receiving from a person whose life is about to change due to what the medics have decided about him. 

How Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt are impacting upon the disabled in our country. Yes, Leo is very dramatic, although Leo's are also very "insecure" inside, you experience a lot of "bravado", from the Leo show men and women. Leo's are good at putting on a front like Obama, yet they are not what they appear to be. 

Leo is also the opposite sign to Aquarius, so we don't tend to get along at all, as I don't stroke the cat as they would like to be stroked. 

They will say one thing, then do something completely different, and Aquarius is intent on divine truth prevailing no matter what. The astrologer above is full of bounce and positivity, and so are Leo's, just look at how Obama bounced into the White House from nowhere. 

So what do we learn from the numerics, 31st of January is the "Day of Sociability" and Leo's are very social. Just look at how Obama was following the new President around the world. Is there going to be a major showdown, it certainly feels like it. I don't feel as bright and cheery about this forthcoming eclipse has Barbara does and there is usually passings and endings on an eclipse.

Also in the lead up to this eclipse we've had the major Twitter storm in America, and President Trump calling out the media again too.  The Facebook owner's personal fortune also decreased by over $3BN. 

Will it impact upon social media, I think so. People are already complaining about censorship of freedom of speech. People are not up for having there creativity stifled in anyway. So in March, 1866 we had the civil rights bill implemented, and this year the total lunar eclipse is on the day of sociability. So we can anticipate a lot of gatherings around the world on this eclipse. 

I never go out on the full moon, as it makes some people go crazy due to them not being on top of it. 

My intuition is that sparks will fly, and I recommend that everyone is cautious at this time. Look beyond the surface of everything. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Trust your intuition and listen to it! The fact that I received the clairscent of cigar smoke on the same night as I was shown a vision of the total lunar eclipse is also important.

How do I feel about this total lunar eclipse, I feel very uneasy about it, there were a lot of wars in 1866. Although the water carrier can easily put out Leo's fire. Leo's find it hard to stay close to Aquarian energy, as we can see what they're up to. It's always shown to us eventually.

Nothing a Leo can do stays hidden, as they tend to trip over themselves and get themselves into a lot of bother at the same time. Leo's also find it hard to stay faithful to one partner too, often due to their own deep inner insecurity, so we could see some major break-ups at this time in relationships.

Loads of drama to keep people occupied, and off of what is really important in life. So my advice stay focussed, concentrate on what's most important to you, and your priorities, don't get drawn into the drama, of anyone, and don't change course. Stay on the straight and narrow, for the truth in integrity will prevail. So let's have some music from Tokio Myers, Lotus Flower. 

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