
Thursday 18 January 2018

New Moon in Capricorn

We've had a new moon in Capricorn in recent days. 16th-17th of January, 2018.

I remember the days when people used to say to me, "Who are you". Big smiles. I will give you this advice from experience, the more that you heal the self, the more it is divinely revealed to you, who you are. Once you know who you are, then you are given divine help to help others to find out who they are. On the healing path, to begin with, you work with individuals, if successful at doing that, you are then called to help groups of people. After you have been successful at that, you're then called to help nations.

It is written that if you don't ascertain what your mission on the planet is by the age of 49, rarely, do people access it after that. You have to get on it, prior to the age of 49, I was fortunate to be called by Spirit, a long time prior to that, over and over, again, until the day came when I agreed to do what I had incarnated to do.

The riddle, the instructors instruct you to recycle, then those same instructors refuse to remove the recycling, a new cycle is co-created, what is it.

The planet is also in the Saturn in Capricorn transit, so I agree with Pam, it is a big one for structure, security, and organisations. It's also a good transit for business people that are sincere, and genuine in their work intentions. So it is a good transit for our healers and love liberators that have pure intentions. It's about time too, as our healers require all the help they can get to help others.

Interesting that a friend shared that it is the first time in seven years, that a man has come to study with her. Not only did he choose to train with one of the best animal healers in the world, he also asked specifically for the training to be one-to-one. That's intense animal and people healing, in what this year will become, in February, the year of the dog.

I thought that was a brilliant sign, that man in England, returns to the healing path with the professionals. Onwards and upwards.

So what's for dinner, I'm having a prawn cocktail, with avocado and a herb salad filled with nutrients.

Then I shall have some fresh grapes followed by taking my supplements.

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