
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Intimacy Dream

I had another dream this morning, this time I was shopping and it felt like a recurring dream, I was talking about getting some specific foods that included pie and mash. I bought some cream cheese and some other foods. A fit young man was with me and I was chatting to him in the dream, I knew the young man.

Then in the next part of the dream we were in bed, and he was cuddling me, although I wouldn't allow him to do anything but cuddle me. It's rare for this to happen in dream state. It was clear in the dream that he required the closeness with me. Although I was clear with my boundaries.

To dream of shopping in dream interpretation can indicate some "petty financial issues" which can be overcome with some self-restraint. As far as the intimacy aspect, if you enjoyed it, then it indicates a happy adjustment to your circumstances.

The importance of the cream cheese is that it has no yeast in it, that's why I buy it. The importance of the pie and mash is that in England, the gravy is made with parsley and parsley has a high content of an important nutrient. Parsley = coenzyme Q10. Meat in the pie also has coq10. Coenzyme q10 is essential for life and every living cell in your body. 

There was a Swedish study and they found that there was a 50% reduction in people dying with a cardiovascular condition after they had been given a Coenzyme Q10 supplement for five years. 

Dr James Meschino 

Dr James Meschino recommends that people should start taking 30mg a day from the age of 45. People give different ages for when the body's natural production levels of the molecule start to decline some say 30, some say 40. 

When your natural production reduces it does so by up to 50%, that is a huge amount that impacts on the ageing of the body, and it's natural processes that keep you in the best of health. Hence a supplement could be hugely important for your health. The young man in the dream was in his mid 30's. So that could also give us a timing of when the reduction begins. 

The anti-aging expert, recommends that by the age of 60 people require a dosage of 60-90mg per day.  Although the people in the Swedish study were being given 200mg a day to halt the cardiovascular health conditions with selenium. 

In 2017, I began to grow parsley, and I shall grow and eat a lot more in 2018 as I do like herb salads with cream cheese and egg mayonnaise. It is noted that it is essential to steam or bake vegetables otherwise you remove the c0q10 molecule due to it being water soluble. 

Wikipedia have provided a list of foods and the amount of c0q10 that they have. Although it is clear that the list is not extensive, it does give you an idea of the differences in the amounts of the nutrient in different foods. Fish wise, it is red fish that has the most. In meat, offal has the most. Then there is sesame and walnuts etc. Interesting that after an operation over a year ago, I was divinely given olives and olive oil is one of the oils that is high in c0q10. 

UC Denver have provided a list of health conditions that have been looked at - and one of those conditions was Parkinson's, it was found that people with Parkinson's had a c0q10 deficiency. 

I also had a dream of a man a few years ago that said that he had "Parkinson's" and he had come to ask for help with his condition.

Some sources say that they found that vegetarians have the least c0q10 in their bodies and it cannot be ascertained by a blood test, they have to take a biopsy from the muscle tissue to establish the fact. 

So although vegetarians think they are getting everything they require it is often the case that they are deficient in essential nutrients and that can impact upon the child in the womb. 

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