
Tuesday 2 January 2018

Dr Jordan Peterson on Carl Jung's Intelligence

Dr Jordan Peterson is very intense, a deep thinker, as are a lot of academic brains. 

Scientists have proven that intelligence comes from the heart. 

Carl Jung also had a female spiritual friend in his life, and she also helped him to make some breakthroughs. 

With all that Carl Jung achieved in his life, he still wasn't satisfied with it, at the end of it. As he said that he had wished that he had spent his life studying mysticism and alchemy, rather than psychology.  He and Freud also agreed that the healers that have become known as Essenes, already knew what they had spent their lives studying. The natural spiritual psychologists are healers. 

Carl Jung is appreciative of our generation sharing his work. When I thanked him for all of his hard work, he replied, "Thank YOU, my dear!". Carl Jung was against the medical labels, and also the pharmaceutical industry that were trying to combat and change natural causes.

Jung embraced that people can make a breakthrough, that people can overcome the obstacles, (without pharmaceuticals) that are brought forth in the initiations on the rite of passage of life.

However, he also knew that it required effort and the in-depth understanding that mystical healers have. Jung studied many ancient texts, and he found many answers to his questions, it wasn't as simple for Jung, as Peterson makes it sound.

Although he did have trustful loyalty in the divine, he did embrace Spirit, and he did persevere with immense patience. We do know that some aspects of his work was divinely guided on his journey on the planet. Although the bible is probably the best self-help book on the planet, numerous authors have published books based upon the teachings found in the bible. It does help if you view it after you've had a lot of life experience; and if you can view it through the eyes of a mystic.

Just as Jesus compelled yours truly to spread the paint, Carl Jung was compelled to make mandala too. I remember that it was while I was abroad, I wandered into a second hand bookshop, and it was in that bookshop that Jesus compelled me to pick up a book on Carl Jung's work, and take it home with me. I still have that book in my library.


In fact, one of his books wasn't published until after his passing over, due to the fact that it would impact upon his career if published prior to that. How fragile the academic community is - for that to have to be the case. Is it not the same with the business community, ponder upon it.

As far as I am aware, Carl Jung's first books were published by an historical spiritual publisher in London. London helped to spread the word about his work.

Carl Jung 

Jung had a fascination with Job, so interesting that Job mentioned the outer FRINGE as viewed in chapter 26.

The gematria of 2018 = "Walked with God". 

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