
Friday 26 January 2018

Dance of the Puffins

Culture of Totems

Following on from seeing the Puffin in my bedroom the other evening, let' s continue with the romantic Puffins. Puffin in time for total lunar eclipse, such a sweet bird. Puffin Legends, they have a big connection with Alaska. I did hear recently that one of my clients has met someone and is moving to Alaska. I hope she's got a fur coat. You wouldn't get me moving to Alaska, Yahweh knows I like hot climates.

The Atlantic Puffin finds it's mate and restores it's home. Such an attractive bird, with it's painted beak, and teardrop eyes. It's head, perfectly shaped and it eats small fish. Seeing a Puffin is a very positive sign, it indicates that the restoration is going into the next phase this year. In a couple of weeks,  I will also be in a one year of new beginnings, and new direction, in a new nine year life cycle. It is a year of fresh starts for yours truly and stepping up again.

"Like birds hovering overhead, the LORD Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it, and deliver it, he will "pass over it", and will rescue it."  Isaiah 31:5 

It's a very sunny day today, white dove can wear her moccasins again.

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