
Sunday 14 January 2018


I had another dream this morning, a man was making "allegations", and I stood up and defended myself against the "bully". He sat down at a computer with another man, after I had defended myself, I left the men to it. Two different generations together. 

I began to get on with what I had to do with the clean up. My mum was in the dream, and she wasn't listening to the men, she was taking compassionate action to help her daughter. My mum didn't like "bullies". 

She was helping me with the clean up, life after death.  Not surprising really, as this is time of year for the spring cleaning. Interesting that the 14th of January, is also the "day of integration", in numerics, also saturn is in the capricorn transit, and that is all about structure and security. Is your structure and security based upon love, make sure that it is beyond measure. 


In dream interpretation, to dream of cleaning, is a warning dream, not to get involved in anything unless it is absolutely ethical. Stay clear and straightforward in your communications, actions, and directions. 

The more cleaning that you were doing in the dream, the more urgent the warning, as it happens, I was just washing up, and clearing the decks in the dream. Making sure that the kitchen was clean. 

If you were fighting in a dream, the basic meaning is that the dream is about fighting for change. For a business person, it can signify a change of enterprise, for an employed person, a change of job. For a retired person, it can mean a change of direction and or lifestyle. 

If you were successful at defending yourself in the dream, so too, you will be successful in any new venture, or life style change. Although, as the cleaning aspect is cross-referenced, it is incredibly important that you stand your ground, stay true to yourself, and do not waiver from it. Stay true to your principles of integrity, ethics and boundaries are essential. 

Only the truth can stand in the face of adversity. Be strong women, help each other, mothers and daughters. Let the guys have the computers, you get on with what is really important to you, your life, and your sanctuary this year. 



A dream of having a "quarrel", is mainly a dream of contrary, signifying love and full accord, if the quarrel was with someone that you know as it was in the dream. It has a different meaning than if the  "quarrel" was with a stranger. As such, all aspects of a dream have to be correlated to attain it's meaning, and relevance to your life. 

As I shared with someone the other day, the older you get, the harder that you have to work to retain your inner happiness, so don't allow anyone to take it from you. Retain your dignity, and self-respect, keep the Aquarian beauty in the sunshine of your hearts. From your true hearts, the sun shines forth, and lights up your eyes. 

Can you believe it, that academics are now saying that they should teach children self-respect, instead of self-esteem. Although you won't hear those academics speak about the importance of boundaries. 

Why's that, the UN is planning to bring in another 244 million immigrants to western shores, and we are saying not on my watch. Some American's understand it, clean up your own countries, don't come to ours, we've got enough to do to clean up our own countries, as Donald John Trump is doing his best to do. Trump is a Gemini, and was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog, so it is going to be a MAGA year from Trump. 


So the home is important for yours truly, at this time, that is my focus this month. The home can also be symbolic of England, home is where the heart is. My home, wherever I lived, has always been my sanctuary. Home was my mother's sanctuary too, and that Pisces woman, loved her home, everything was perfectly arranged. 


In February I will be moving into a new year of manifestation. On my birthday, I will be in a one year, and a new nine year cycle, a new direction. Divinely empowered, to move onwards and upwards once again. Galatic winds, and 999.


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