
Friday 12 January 2018

CASEY Message

While sharing with someone yesterday, I was divinely given "Casey", there was an American doctor series with the name "Ben Casey", and in America the words "Ben Casey" was slang for a medic.

When I looked deeper into it I found that there was a feature film released in 1988 called "The Return of Ben Casey". There was also a song "Calling Ben Casey". The music logo had the dog on it, HMV record shops in England also used to have that logo. HMV stands for "His Master's Voice".

In February 2018, it will be Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dog, so I can see how it all fits together. Donald John Trump was also born in the Chinese Year of the Dog.

In the original theme tune for the American TV series, when it began, it featured symbols, man, woman, birth, death, infinity. Americans refer to those symbols as "Primal Metaphysics".


Although you won't hear doctors talking about metaphysics unless they are working at the cutting edge, and most of those medical scientists tend to work outside of the academic establishment.

There has been a lot going on with the medics especially in the UK with the NHS in crisis. Theresa May even had the audacity to say that her government had planned to cancel 55,000 operations this winter. Why did they spend so much money on the administration of arranging the operations, if they in fact then planned to cancel them, it doesn't make sense does it.

It looks like they are purposefully trying to trigger people in response to their words and actions, it looks like they're hoping for a civil war. As it is clear that people are incredibly passionate about our NHS, (patients and workers) and people are not up for Americanisation, and for the NHS to be taken over by financiers. A finance company based in Jersey owns over 300 care homes and they borrowed the money from an American financier, they've defaulted on their repayments, so it now looks like many British care homes will be owned by an American.


999 call for the NHS 

In response to NHS executives telling Theresa May that the NHS is underfunded, and that people are dying prematurely in the corridors of hospitals due to their not being enough hospital beds, her response was "Nothing is perfect".

Are you aware that in the late 80's, we had over 340,00 hospital beds, and we now only have 130,00 nationally. The NHS hospital service as shrunk by nearly two thirds while the UK has experienced a population explosion. Are you aware that in 2007, they laid off 8,000 British doctors too.

Goodness gracious me, as Theresa May never read the Gospel of Philip that shares about perfection, or even the bible that mentions the perfect law. It seems not, only the divinely guided have read those texts.

Remember this that Theresa May's career background is finance, not health. Do you remember what Hippocrates said, about physicians, he said, "A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician".  Yet, the medical profession have a Hippocratic oath.

So where are we planetary wise, it is the Saturn in Capricorn transit, and that is to do with structure of organisations and yourselves. Is your structure secure, or is it like California, where there has been a five year drought, followed by fire, followed by a mudslide. Remember this that Jesus warned not to build your house on sand, otherwise it will come crashing down. Matthew 7:26-27. In America, even JFK airport has been flooded.

Interesting that this year ends in 8, the infinity symbol.

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