
Saturday 27 January 2018


Thursday night I had another dream and in the dream there was a bust-up between two women, one woman was calling out the other woman on integrity. The blond woman was walking away from yours truly in the dream because she didn't like being called out.

Funny, how sometimes, things that happened nearly two decades ago, resurface again in dream state. In this case; I view it that it is connected to the incoming eclipse energies, as there have been a lot of bust-ups in the lead up to this rare blue moon, total lunar eclipse especially in the work environment.

Even Jacob Rees-Mogg has put the house of Lords on notice over BREXIT.

It is certainly rare if I ever have a big bust-up with someone, and if it happens it is usually on a point of principle. No hard feelings afterwards, just a fact of life, get on with it, get over it, go with the flow. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

If and when I see that person again, we're just the same as we were before the bust-up. Sometimes you have to clear the air between you, although if you really love each other, sincerely, that love always stays in your heart. It would be great to see her again, the last time we saw each other, we gave each other big hugs and we were both pleased.

In dream interpretation a bust-up, or an argument with someone in dream state is a lucky dream of contrary. So then if I look at what that bust-up was about originally, it gives an indication of an improvement that is coming. When there is a bust-up it usually means that there is a life improvement and certainly a lot of things have been proved by wisdom in the last two decades. In scripture it does say that Jesus said, that wisdom will be proven right. Wisdom prospers. 

Did Jesus have bust-ups with the apostles, yes of course he did, although they managed to get over it because they knew he was true and loved. 

Proverbs 4:6 "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you, love her and she will watch over you". 

I received a newsletter today from Wessex, and it has some very interesting academic research mentioned in it. 

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