
Sunday 31 December 2017


I had some massive dreaming in dream state, in the dream there was some Indians, and some people from Japan, oriental people. People from the east.

I saw family members and I was cuddling a little oriental girl, and she was cuddling me, we were so happy to be together while her mother (or relative) enjoyed seeing us together. All three generations happy together.

I asked how long were they in the UK for - and I was told "Ten weeks". I thought that is nearly three months.

In dream interpretation to ask a question in a dream usually signifies good luck, within ten weeks we will be in the new Chinese year of the Dog that begins in the third week in February. "Being aware of the number of people in your dream or being given a numeric can indicate an increase in power and or prestige. The number in the dream can also indicate good luck ahead, possibly connected with the dreamed number or some derivative of it."

However, the fact that the numeric was given with the word "weeks", does indicate that this is definitely an important timing where families and children are concerned.


After that I had a different dream, and in the dream I was in a pub, there had been a Christmas market for charity in the pub that had been successful, after that there had been a lovely party for New Years Eve. I was chatting to a woman as we were clearing up getting ready to leave to go home. We were chatting about what an enjoyable time everyone had.

Then suddenly, loads of people came falling down the stairs rapidly on their backsides, it looked like they were coming down a chute really fast, like people do when they're leaving a plane due to an emergency. The people were really close together, almost on top of each other.

Although it was the stairs that they were coming down, I thought I recognised some of the people, and it looked like they had been on what we call a "pub crawl" in England. They were coming down a narrow and historic stairway, this was an historical pub.

Why were they coming downstairs at such a speed, maybe there was a fire upstairs or something like that. Due to the rapid response, it looked like they were in panic, maybe trying to get to an emergency exit. An emergency situation that people often find themselves in, I've often been called to help people that have been in an emergency situation. I have been a rock of stability during my life for so many people. It is often the case that people return to where and whom they feel safe with.

In dream interpretation it is better to be going upstairs rather than downstairs, the people coming downstairs are warned to be less controversial in the views that they express. As it is often the case that people are judged upon what they've done and said previously.

Although it is important that you pass no judgement on anyone, as in spirituality, it is very important that people integrate zero-judgement, prior to coming to know what divine judgement is. In the dream I had been involved in a charitable and compassionate way to raise funds to help others. I had also arranged a party for others to enjoy on their journey.

2018 has a completely different energy with it due to the change in numerics, and planetary configurations. I think that 2018 is going to be a year of pep talks, making reality brighter and more beautiful. Extraordinary people do extraordinary things.

Just look at this little chap, children are so awesome when they believe in themselves, are confident and have high self-esteem. I remember when my son was this age, awesome he was, so positive, full of self-initiative, that is typical of an Aquarian youngster. When he took the initiative to make a stall outside of the house, to raise some money, I thought, "chip off the old block, he'll never starve, he's got the work ethic".

Genesis 2:18 The Helper

What else is significant about "ten weeks", it will be the end of the financial year that begins anew in April in England. The numeric of ten is also the numeric of a new cycle of time and new beginnings.

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