
Sunday 10 December 2017

Paintings December 2017

Last night I was inspired to paint again, the first painting felt like feathers while spreading the paint. It is in three colours, metallic blue, gold and silver, the colours are very gentle and light. Fabulous healing colours in "Feathers 17".

When I woke up today, there is snow everywhere.


9th of December, 2017 


The second painting is in two colours, turquoise ( although some might call it azure, or lazuli blue) and metallic pink. I had another dream this morning so I've called this painting dreams. Sometimes I am given names for paintings, sometimes I decide. 

9th of December, 2017. 

I think it is going to be a very arty December for yours truly, peacefully spreading the paint. 

What's for dinner today, last night I cooked some chicken and vegetable soup for my collagen production. Chicken brine and stock from the chicken bones, garlic, herbs, thyme, rosemary and oregano.  Vegetables: swede, potatoes, carrots, parsnip, and leeks, delicious and great to keep the body, and it's heat at an appropriate body temperature during these winter months. Stay wrapped up and cosy, as it is important for your health. Porridge is good for breakfast too, my body really likes the oats, it's so gentle for the body. 

If you are experiencing snow, I hope that you are stocked up with food, although in England, you can have food delivered to your door. I shall not be going out to get fresh bread today, as intended, I shall make my own, some garlic and olive bread. I have plenty of flour, oil and Greek yogurt. 

Love beyond measure 

Another painting, paint spread on the evening of the 10th of December, 2017. I received a gift today in the post, so I shall call this painting gifts in gratitude. The paint is in different colours, turquoise, metallic blue, pink, silver and gold. Life is a gift, so make the most of it!


10th December, 2017. 

Remembering the divine message about "closing doors" received recently, Charlie Rich sang a song, "Behind Closed Doors".

Charlie Rich had a coughing fit, and a doctor gave him anti-biotics for it.  He passed over soon afterwards in a motel in 1995, he was only 62 years old. In 1992, the country and western singer released his last album titled, "Pictures and Paintings".

The Doors also sang a song about the LA Woman and a fire, 
coincidence, I don't think so. The extent of the fires in California have been immense.

So far this month, I like the Feathers 17 painting the best, and biblical prophecy mentions the feathers. "Even while you sleep among the sheep pens, the wings of my dove are sheathed with silver, it's feathers with shinning gold". Psalm 68:13. 

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