
Wednesday 27 December 2017


Experts still don't agree on the birthplace of Jesus. In this article King David is also mentioned, although Jesse's land was also in the north, if you review where David did his courting, it was between the Galilee and Mount Carmel. 


His aunt, the mother of John the baptist also lived in the north of Israel, and it makes perfect sense that Mary would go to her sisters to give birth, as the family only lived a few miles away. I agree with the archaeologist that discovered the ramparts of an ancient city that is mentioned in that article featured in the Daily Express. It has been shared many times in the past, as when I was sent to Israel for the first time in May, 2006, I was sent to the Bethlehem in the north, not the west bank.

Israel is the gift that keeps on giving, it is a sacred place where the Jewish son was born. Once experienced, never forgotten, it stays in your heart. Especially when you have walked where he walked. It is truly awesome.

Some say "does it really matter where he was born", let us remind those people that the truth shall them free, and that everything will be made anew. Yes, a baby changes everything, even the brain of the mother.

Psalm 48 mentions the judgements upon Judah. It also mentions the great city in the north, in fact Psalm 48 begins with it. "Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God. In his holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion on the sides of the  north, the city of the Great King. God is in her palaces; he is known as her refuge". 

What was so important about the north, it is the direction of healing. No coincidence then that I also live in the north of our county too. It was in the north of the county, that I met many healers and spiritual leaders. 

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