
Thursday 28 December 2017



27th December 2017

This morning I had another dream, in the dream I was shown my computer desk, and it was completely clear, although the computer was on it.

In dream interpretation to dream of a desk does have some significance, "an open desk, whether you were seated at it, working at it, or just observed it, indicates satisfaction with all matters that concern you". "To rummage in or clean out a desk predicts new and influential friends".

The 28th of December, is the "Day of Sophistication" in numerics, in astrology it is also a day to get things in life in order in preparation for the New Year. So from my perspective the message is clear, clearing the decks in relation to technology, and work space. So clear your space, in the next couple of days, let love reign in your life, you will feel better for it, renewed and ready for the New Year. And don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, was always one of my business motto's. Also most people are back at work today, so the phones are ringing! 

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