
Tuesday 19 December 2017

Genesis 2:18 The Helper

We will soon be moving into 2018, and so it is appropriate that we share an article written by biblical scholar Jeff A Benner, (USA) on the importance of man having a helper and what it means in the text.

"And the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him". (KJV, Genesis 2:18.)

In the article Jeff explains this meaning from a Hebraic perspective. The article is called, "What is a help meet".

Jeff also sent an email asking his readers to share how they found him originally.

It is often the case that one situation leads to another, in my case, one biblical scholar introduced yours truly, to another biblical scholar. Two men that have great respect for each other,  and I have respect for them both and their work. As we know helpers can come in many different realities, it is not always a relationship in the way that some people might think of it. It is more a connection of souls, and soul groups, that have something important to do together on the spiritual plane in a particular timeframe.

Explanations of spiritual texts are important because they help to give people clarity, and that can improve comprehension of intention. Explaining the self can be equally important, so that others can understand you more fully.

After the Son of Joseph passed over, his wife often helped men of her own generation, and in turn they helped her. She would cook for those men that lived alone, and some would take her out for dinner or to the theatre, and some would help at home with building works on her home. In their mutual interest of helping each other, they liked each other, progress was made by all that were in their vicinity.

Sometimes the elders have to help the younger generations to make a breakthrough, help is always sent when required, you just have to trust that there is a higher power that has your best interest in hand. It's also important that you recognise it when it arrives, many opportunities are given, make sure that you keep yours eyes, ears and hearts open to important eventualities and positive progress that can be made.

So then there will be plenty of meet-ups in 2018. Face-to-face meetings. Years ending in 8 are also of a spiritual significance, 1+8 = 9, completion and divine love in manifestation.

Shalom avinu, mazal tov.

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