
Sunday 3 December 2017


This is at least the third dream that I've had of an elder, a Taurean healer, that I used to promote in the 90's. In the dream the man was taking a woman to hospital, and he asked for help to lift her. I suggested that another male healer would help him to lift the woman instead.

There was a tall, younger, strong healer with me at the time, colleagues together.

So the elder wrapped the woman in white cotton material, covering her head and feet, covering her whole body. He then folded her body into two, then the healers lifted her together. Clearly, the woman had passed over.

Then after that the spiritual elder happily shared that there was a new woman in his life, and he said, "I've found eternal love". I smiled in response, and thought how many times have I heard that.

Eternal love is mentioned in the book of Kings, "Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness". 1 Kings 10:9

In dream interpretation, to be aware of a "deceased person you cannot identify portends an inheritance which may not be personal, but could be indirectly beneficial". 

To dream of white is positive, and the healer was being very positive in the dream, he does embrace "life after death." Seeing cotton in a medical situation in a dream, can foretell that you will receive unexpected visitors, or news, probably from abroad.

So what's to eat today, porridge for breakfast, followed by Diana's favourite, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. For dinner I shall have roast chicken, roast potatoes, swede, carrots, and sprouts cooked in honey and more oats.

I do like roast chicken very much. Keep on with the nutrients, it has to be a real chicken, for the brine it contains for your collagen production.

Of course, best wishes to the man that was gifted with the tomahawk in the 90's, his healing work was truly blessed by God. Blessings in abundance came upon our spiritual community, and those that required his help. Healers were happy to help him move what had to moved, and it is no different today. Once connected on a soul level, always connected and it can manifest in different life times, just like it did for us.

Interesting that I should have this dream today, as it is full moon, a super one in gemini. Gemini being the communicator,  I have gemini as my moon sign in my birth chart, and the wondrous woman from heaven, as the moon under her feet. How did I get that scar to prove it, I stepped on a glass in the river Medway when I was seven years old. Clear identification. Feet are interesting aren't they, did you know that some people can read your feet.

When you know how many people there were in your dream, it indicates an increase of power and prestige. So all power and prestige to our blessed healers, as miracles came to be. Some were given honour and glory, some were given length of days, some enjoyed both at different times in their lives.

While I was typing this blogpost, golden energy flashed upon my left hand, the Christ energy. In that hand there are two scars, the initials, YW. It is written in my left hand.

Zion defends, and the English spiritual elder did defend Israel prior to retirement.


  1. Message received, "You are loved beyond measure. They have lifted it up now". The words "lifted up" reminded me of this dream.

  2. Mummy wrapped in linen in Luxor in Egypt.
