
Wednesday 13 December 2017

Dr Dean Lorich - Clinton Foundation

On Sunday the 10th of December, I had a dream of observing a surgeon removing the arm of a woman in the night, and posted it on Sunday morning. Not only did I have a dream about a surgeon, but it was a very specific surgeon, a surgeon that works on limbs.

Dr Dean Lorich was "the associate director of the Orthopaedic Trauma Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery. He was also a professor at Weill Cornell Medical College". 

"Lorich was the surgeon that exposed the Clinton Foundation and it's corruption in Haiti". 

Dr Dean Lorich 

He was just 54 years old, and he was found in the bathroom with a knife near his heart.

The British Independent newspaper has featured the story, although the journalist didn't mention the exposure of the Clinton's that Dean Lorich had been involved in. Certainly a motive involved in the assault upon the body of a man that had everything to live for.

In the dream on leaving the hospital, I also met a former British journalist that I recognised. Hence this high profile case is interesting to journalists and as written, the case has been published in the British media.

May his children, wife and friends be comforted at this time. He was such a hero, there have been tears in heaven in recent days, when this empath has tears, it usually means that something very sad has happened, is happening or about to happen.

While the surgeon was working in Haiti, he hoped to save so many people with his team. It is written that Lorich described "amputations" in those conditions as a "death sentence". Whistle blower Dr Dean Lorich.

On the 10th of December, I shared how there had been, and was a mist in my healing room, like ectoplasm. I spent the night in the healing room, my "silver cloud" white room. It was after that, that I shared about the dream that I had of the surgeon on-line.

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