
Friday 29 December 2017


A lovely hymn that my generation sang at morning assembly, it was a great start to the day in those days. It was a great lifter of Spirits to begin the day in education. What a lovely memory to have of school days, singing at the tops of our voices.


Interesting times now that Saturn has moved into Capricorn has Capricorn likes working and business, business and career success is very fulfilling for the Cap when it aligns with your soul journey.

You might like to ponder upon what was happening in your life the last time the planet had this transit nearly 30 years ago. Wisdom was certainly incredibly busy in work and home life, development of new business, socialising and networking with business people and colleagues. Also helping local people inside of charity and outside of it.

Putting business experience to the best use that I could to maximise potential for those that I worked with. It was a very successful time in my life in my early 30's, seizing all of the opportunities that were on offer to prosper.

This transit will last until 2020, so exciting times for those that are willing and able to grasp the openings that arrive, after you've closed the doors on that which no longer provides you with the stability, and improvements that your life requires in this phase of your life. 2018, is a time to surge forward with business or work opportunities that have been building for a long time in your heart and soul.

It's a time of experience really matters, experience is more important than any academic qualifications. Experience provides the appropriate stability and foundation for a strong economy based upon truth. Truth in business is essential, integrity is essential, experience is essential, stability is essential in business, Capricorn is sure footed, one step at a time. Everything can be made bright and beautiful in your lives if, and when, you do what you are doing for the right reasons and with the purest of intentions.

Planet Saturn is a great teacher, powerful influence, and influential in your lives, it's a great time for the apprenticeships, work trainees, for those that are willing to work diligently for success to happen in all area of your lives. However, you have to have the humility to be willing to listen to those more experienced than yourselves, if you are to gain from this transit and it's energies. It is a strong transit, and will have a global impact.

People tend to be patient and persevere in this transit, in the work experience environment. The young ones that are very keen, are given an opportunity to learn from those that have a lot more work experience. It's a great time for on the job training for the young ones to gain real experience of working with talent, to help them to develop their own talent.

Those that have the authority due to experience, and knowing due to their own extensive careers will indeed prosper over those that are not willing to put the real effort in. It requires commitment, focussed attention, the power of effort, brings the stability that people are asking for.

Hence it is a time when people will seek career experience, real skills and talents, so it's a good time for consultants that know what works, and what doesn't. Prior to employment 30 years ago, when we were last in this transit, I had been working as a consultant employed to develop a new business.

Hence I took that prior experience with me into the next job and every project that I laid my hands upon.

It's a good time for people like Steve Bannon at Breitbart, a good time for Donald John Trump, ultimately, experience counts in business, careers, and different fields of work. So do you have the expertise, what is your expertise in, how will you maximise your expertise, skills, and talents during this transit, ponder upon it.

Remember this that whatever you decide to do, it has to be aligned with your soul journey on the planet, that is found in the north node of your charts, and it has to be something that you love doing.

When you love the work that you are engaged in, it is so much easier for you, you lighten your load, and responsibility with sheer confidence in your abilities to succeed. Confidence is boosted due to sheer experience to share to help others to succeed too.

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