
Thursday 14 December 2017


Last night I had another dream, and in the dream I was in an apartment with a young man that had asked for help in real life. The apartment looked new, as in a new development and we had gone to look at it together.

In the apartment we were looking at the facility, as you would if you were looking to buy an apartment. The whole apartment was painted white, white being a colour of purity. As we say, clean and white.

In the apartment it had a small pool, like a baptism pool, in addition to a bathroom. I was asking the woman that was showing us around the apartment, how much it would cost to fill the oblong box-shaped pool with water and she said, £84. 

I wasn't happy about the cost of the water to fill the small pool every time that it had to be filled. I was more concerned about the cost of the water than the cost of the apartment whether rented or purchased. The pool was bigger than this Mikvah, at least twice the size. Hence it would take a lot of water to fill it.

The most important aspect of this dream was the washing facilities, bathing facilities, and the cost of the water. That is what we were looking at. It is often the case that when people view properties, they don't ask how much the running costs are going to be, as such, people often don't factor that into their living expenses and overheads. As we know some buildings have been designed more economically than others, so it is a very important aspect to consider.

In dream interpretation a swimming pool is a symbol of social gaiety if it had water in it. If there wasn't any water in it, then it can be a warning against speculation. No coincidence then that the word "speculation", is often used in property development, and some builders are called "speculators". There has certainly been a lot of property speculation going on in the UK.

Interesting that Isaiah 62 mentions the builder/restorer relating to the restoration.

The apartment in the dream was a high quality apartment, although it had been designed for people with the money that can afford to live in it, and pay it's running costs. The property had not been designed for poor people, it was not social housing, this was a private property with a lot of washing facilities, although it was sparse and quite basic in other ways. The washing facilities and pool appeared to be the unique selling proposition of the property. That is why people would wish to live in the property in the dream, that is why we were looking at it.

The figure of 84 given in the dream is interesting, especially as it is a numeric that relates to a book title and a year.  In dream interpretation to dream of a numeric, can indicate good luck ahead that relates to the numeric given in the dream, or some derivative or multiple of it. 42 x 2 = 84.

In Judaism it is the festival of lights at this time, and in this video author Jeff Benner shares the origin of baptism from a Hebrew and Christian perspective. The ritual washing. In Judaism it is important to be washed clean prior to the Jewish holiday and festival of lights. Hence just prior to a Jewish holiday, you might find yourself, washing clothes and yourself, in preparation. You can experience it intuitively, and or feel compelled, it often happens naturally.

Interesting that the gematria of "me kim" is the numeric of 84, and my son was born in 83. The church refused to baptise my son, because we didn't go to church on a regular basis.  So I didn't go back to the Christian church after that. Interesting that my son lives over the other side of the river to me. Also the man in the dream lives on the opposite side of the river to me, and both of those young men were born in the 80's.

8+4 = 12, the numeric of the apostles of Jesus that washed their feet. 1+2 = 3, the perfect number. 12 divides by three, four directions.

Water was an aspect of the dream and in spiritual symbology, water is symbolic of the sacred feminine. In dream interpretation, running water can predict lasting happiness, gently flowing water promises contentment, and peace of mind.

In the dream, the property looked like it had recently been completed, as the developers hadn't furnished it, the property was sparse due to the fact that the interior designers hadn't arrived.

So we were getting a preview of what was about to go onto the property market.

If we look at the Psalms, Psalm 84 mentions the dwelling place.

"How lovely is your dwelling place LORD Almighty".

"Blessed is the one that trusts in you". 


  1. Unexpected visitor received today, the man that was in the dream.

  2. Mikvah in English gematria = 384
