
Sunday 5 November 2017

Zyprexa -v- Children

Big pharma have big plans to impact upon your children England, so remember the warning that Jesus gave about Herod, remember that it was Herod that killed the Jewish children. Herod's mother was the daughter of an Arab.

Fortunately, Dr Peter Breggin (USA) has done a lot of work in America to do his best to counteract the American drug manufacturer responsible.

John C. Lechleiter, former CEO of Lilly, in an internal email, Lechleiter had stated "we must seize the opportunity to expand our work with Zyprexa in this same child-adolescent population" (for off lable use). In the email he discussed the use of the pharmaceutical by children and teenagers. 

They've also been promoting a Strattera, a second psychiatric drug, to paediatricians and child psychiatrists. He also encouraged the corporation to get data on the use of Zyprexa in treating "disruptive kids", in order to increase their drug sales. In 2015, the corporation was under federal criminal investigation for the way it promoted Zyprexa and played down the drug's risk to doctors. 

Did you know that there has been a lawsuit against Lilly by the State of Alaska. The suit sought reimbursement for the medical costs of Medicaid patients who developed diabetes while taking Zyprexa. In America, it is a "violation of federal law for Lilly to actively encourage off-label use of the drug". 

Dr Peter Breggin on what happens to children.

It's not just the children they've been going after either, it is reported that between 2000-2002, they were aggressively marketing Zyprexa for "dementia" patients. 

These drugs damage the liver, and unfortunately, you don't know how much damage has been done by the toxic drugs, until 80% of the liver has gone, by that time, it's too late to save the liver. 

So what does Dr Peter Breggin have to say about it, the title of his latest book is "Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry". 

"Most consumers of psychiatric drugs do not realise how much these chemical agents disrupt the function of the brain and mind. As a result, their treatment in effect becomes involuntary. 

Many other adults are physically forced to take these drugs in hospitals and even under outpatient commitment that allows for enforced drugging in the home. Because children can't control their lives, or understand the implications of taking drugs, they're always involuntary participants in these brain-disabling treatments. 

Our society needs to stop forcing psychoactive drugs on citizens, young and old".

"The brain-disabling principle of psychiatric treatment is not a speculation. It is a solid scientific theory based on hundreds of evidence-based reports, clinical experience, and common sense observations. I do believe it will stand the test of time".

A child's brain hasn't even fully developed until the age of 25, and Peter says that these drugs reduce the size of the brain. He has been involved as an expert witness in over 150 cases against the drug companies. 



