
Friday 10 November 2017


I had an interesting dream this morning. I was walking towards a path to cut through to a location the other side of it. It's one of the ancient English paths, anyway, I found that the path to that location was blocked when I got there.

A woman was there and she said that she had put all of her flowers and plants there for the wintertime and it was blocking that path. It meant that if I wished to go to the location, then I would have to walk around the block to get to it. She was a lovely lady that lived next door to the path and we had a great chat. Her husband's a builder.

Then today, while I was out on my walk, I saw loads of elderly people going into that direction to the location, and I was walking in the opposite direction. You could say that I was walking in the opposite direction to those in a large group meeting.

If there is a path in your dream it can mean there are some obstacles to overcome, and to be cautious in your close associations. Flowers in a dream can have different meanings, although I think the meaning of the dream is clear.

This wintertime, you will not be walking down that path again, to that location, with those people, due to winter giving clarity in the dream. So no more obstacles to overcome, for this overcomer.

Also in dream interpretation, to dream of winter, can indicate financial improvement. One can view this winter, that I have something different to do, that is opposite to what people in that location are doing. I do like having dreams, especially what I call clarification dreams giving confirmation.

In the dream, I was a wearing a fur coat, and in Judaism that can indicate a righteous soul. In dream interpretation it signifies a change for the better. There certainly has been a change for the better, the pioneering work with health and nutrients has been tremendous. I feel better than I have for a very long time, although I shall keep wrapped up for the winter time, I like to be cosy, and snug in the winter.

So what is happening on a planetary level, Saturn is in Capricorn transit, 2017-2020. I view saturn as the teacher, and capricorn comes into it's own after the age of 50, at the age of 52 you become a spiritual elder, if you have devoted some of your life to healing, spiritual growth and development.

Capricorn is steady, sure footed, it's a great transit for those that like goats, and drink goats milk, eat goat's cheese, goat yogurt, etc. It's a great transit for people that have really addressed the nutrient aspect of their lives. For people that haven't addressed the nutrients in their lives, that's when the teacher is on it! Have you got your boots on for the winter, I have.

What else is happening planetary wise, the north-node is in Leo, so you can be sure that there will be some drama, as Leo's like dramatic scenes, it's all involved with the Lion's soul journey and the mission. No surprise then that UKIP chose the Lion as their logo.

It's a great time to write a film script, a play or book. Write and record, even paint. I do have some decorating in my heart for this wintertime, and I will make space in my schedule to do some more artwork. No coincidence then that a portrait was sent to yours truly in this timeline. It fits the transit and planetary energies perfectly.

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