
Monday 13 November 2017

September 2018 Message

Message received this morning on waking, "Next September, next September, he will be free, next September.

"Now the Lord is the Sprit, 
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, 
there is freedom". 

2 Corinthians 3:17

"But whoever looks intently into the perfect law 
that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting,
what they have heard, but doing it, 
they will be blessed in what they do". 

James 1:25

"Legally, scientifically, peacefully"

Did you see this today,
Jupiter and Venus put on a stunning show,
as seen in England.

Nasa have said, it looks like a double star.

They won't come this close again for another 100 years.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to see it happen.

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