
Monday 20 November 2017


This morning I had another dream, in the dream I had woken up to find that all of my flowers, plants and trees had been removed and had been taken away.  All that was left was a green grass lawn.

I sat on the doorstep and wept, with my head in my hands.

After that everything was given back to me, they weren't allowed to take this mum's garden.

In dream interpretation to dream of crying in "sadness", or "distress", is a dream of contrary, and it indicates glad tidings, a positive outcome.

If trees are taken away, there is less oxygen for the people, if the flowers and plants are taken away, people take away the natural habitat for the butterfly's, bees, and birds. The natural eco system is essential for the health of the people. Our planet is a beautiful garden, it is up to humanity to look after it tenderly.

Victory of Life 

Last night, just before going to sleep, I saw the face of the Rebbe, he was smiling at me.


Then today, after I made this post, while in the kitchen I saw a huge Hebrew symbol on the fence in green. A symbol that appeared energetically before yours truly, although the sides of the symbol were thicker.

Funny that a second cousin worked on that film. How amazing life can be, I still remember going to his wedding, I was a little bridesmaid. I still remember aunt Rose, and her garden.

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