
Thursday 16 November 2017


I've got my boots on have you.

This chut, shoots from the heart and there is going to be a showdown, you can be sure of that. Protect and defend the vulnerable, protect and defend the patients. If you know what is happening, then be their shield, no to "zero-hour contracts", no to "slave labour", no to exploitation of the most vulnerable people in society.

Dr Peter Breggin and drugs given to children.

No to Americanisation of British healthcare. No to the STP's, no to Jeremy Hunt, and Theresa May, no to big American pharma.

The LORD was right, "politics is the bane of your life".

I had a dream yesterday, I was in a pub and two men were trampling upon their own babies, there was a major fist fight on both sides of the pub because of it. I could hear the babies screams, it was horrible, what was happening to the children. Luke 12:1.

One might ask what happened to those dads, that they would do such a thing to their own children. Remember this, "unconditional love doesn't mean that you allow people to trample all over your souls, otherwise, there is nothing left but feeling bereft". 

A veteran was in that pub, standing right in front of me, someone that I once knew, he lent over to say hello, as I was sitting down at the time in a crowded pub. He was pleased to see me. He's a big man, very tall, and he was all dressed up to the nine's, suited and booted.

Do you know how they drugged the American military, do you know how they drugged the veterans after military service. Do you know what those "anti-psychotic drugs", do to people and their brains. 

Do you know that they're having difficulty recruiting for the army in America, so now they're recruiting "mental health patients" that are on those drugs. 

Check out the facts, on Dr Peter Breggin's website, about the damage those drugs co-create. Those drugs cause diabetes and liver damage too. It's common sense then that America has a very high incidence of diabetes, a very high rate of heart disease, and obesity, a very high number of people and children on those drugs that co-create it. America is not the healthiest nation, as such, it is the poorest nation, in the quality of it's public healthcare. 

Hence, we shall not be going down the same route that America did, as we have seen where that led America and it's people.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason why we don't support privatisation of our healthcare in the UK. Drug company founder was indicted in US wide opioid conspiracy.
