
Thursday 19 October 2017

The Salvator Mundi Crystal Ball

A rediscovered painting said to be a Leonardo Da Vinci painting, the right hand, for blessing, the left hand holding the crystal ball. An Italian masterpiece, a work of art.

Israeli's peering into the crystal ball.

"Neither gold or crystal can compare with it, nor can it be had for jewels of gold. Coral and Jasper are not worthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies" Job 28:17-18.

Interesting the different colours in the fabric that are on the right arm/hand. Everything that Leonardo did had a reason for being, as he put many messages in his paintings. He's drawing attention to the wrist, take a look at it, and see what you think.

Another fascinating aspect of this painting, is that it is oil on walnut, another reason why you can see the walnut colour in the painting, and the blue is symbolic of a healer. It's another prophetic painting from Leonardo.

1 comment:

  1. I know many art historians are baffled over the misrepresentation of the orbs visual aspect being wrong (right-side up instead of upside down). They have even gone as far as opining that this was Da Vinci's subtle message of the Lords power to perform miracles over the mundane. But can it not simply be the artist taking liberty (as is common with artists), knowing that many would find the proper visual to be too disturbing or distracting? Really, could it be that simple and why not?
