
Saturday 28 October 2017


It comes to something when a pregnancy is viewed as the equivalent of a pharmaceutical.

On a pack of tobacco there is a health warning that says, "Smoking can kill your unborn child". and women with common sense don't smoke during pregnancy.

In 2004, the Department of Health were advising against pregnant women being given the flu jab, yet all these years later they are giving flu jabs to mothers and children. Flu jabs that have been scientifically proven not to work, due to the virus mutating.

While Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May are dismantling the NHS for profit, while the British politicians are plundering the land of our people's assets again, in Scotland they've got an "abortion pill".

Abortion Pill

That will please those that say there is not enough money to provide hospital beds and wards for those that require it. Pregnant women won't even have to discuss their abortion will they, not enough staff for that they will say, just go to your pharmacy and get the abortion pill. Don't know whether you are pregnant, never mind, we have a tester for that, you can get that at the pharmacy too!

If you think life is sacred as I do, if you care about the unborn child, then defend it with all your might. Remembering it was Herod and his staff that killed the babies.

The soul chooses it's mother, the soul enters as soon as the conception happens. The baby that is waiting to come in can be seen in the mother's auric fields prior to conception. Only those with insight can see it with their eyes wide open. Those beautiful, heavenly cherubs.

Expelling a child from the womb, is not like expelling a child from school because of something it has done at school.

Your souls are connected prior to the soul entering your womb. So how many souls will you expel from your body, three, six, nine, twelve, how many is enough! If you don't wish to have children, then there is a surgical procedure for it.

You might say, maybe you will change your mind later on, the divine response is that "children are not a commodity", although abortion clinics that sell the flesh and limbs for stem cell research in America seem to think so.

Love is not for sale, so liberate your love. Integrity is not for sale, do you have a moral compass!

"The point of the sword of truth is prick the conscience of those that are sleeping" Sacred Words

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