
Friday 13 October 2017

Jacob Rees-Mogg -v- Jesus

Jacob Rees-Mogg on morality and "destroying socialism", remembering that Jesus lived in an intentional spiritual community, where all was shared.

Remember this while listening to Jacob Rees-Mogg mentioning bible contents, that Jacob is happy for our national healthcare system to be opened up to the free market practices, where American corporations can compete for our traditional healthcare system in our country.

Jacob Rees-Mogg likes competition doesn't he, is that why he is investing in Indonesia pharmaceutical companies. What did Maggie Thatcher say, "Buy British".

Remember what Jesus said to the rich man and what he told the rich man to do with his money.

Would he say the same to Jacob, of course. The NHS came to be due to many Christian socialists, (some of which were doctors themselves, who gave their own wealth, land and properties) and social housing came to be due to the veterans demanding it. Governments don't like veterans standing against them, they rely on the elders to vote!

Yet, it was the Conservatives that sold off the national building stocks, just like they sold off the other assets that the British public had paid for; e.g. British Telecom, British Gas, the Electricity and Water boards. Now workers at the Royal Mail, have voted to go on a national strike.

The Conservatives/Liberal Democrats and Labour governments have consistently sold off public assets, lands and properties. They even had the audacity to consider putting our trees and forests in the "profit and loss accounts", as our trees in the UK are considered to be a financial asset that they can borrow upon. Borrowings that pay for the huge political entourage that could be reduced greatly.

Remember what Gordon Brown did with the countries gold, sold it off for less than it was worth to prop up the Euro and the EU. The UK isn't even in the Euro. Gordon Brown was more Conservative than a socialist, same as Tony Blair, Tony Blair that could fund a war, but couldn't afford to build new housing and invest in our NHS.

David Cameron did the same didn't he, he also had the audacity to say that the Tories would put aside £50,000 for every Syrian child living in the UK.

While the children of our nation are visiting food banks to be fed; and parents are having to decide whether to feed or clothe for school. Teachers have had to clothe and feed children when they arrive at school, because their parents cannot afford to do so.

That is what the politicians have co-created in the 21st century for our people in this country, that is a free market isn't it Jacob, a free capitalist market, that makes the rich richer, while the poor become poorer. Maggie Thatcher certainly warned us about that, and that was the intention of the EU, to make the poor, poorer. They succeeded didn't they Jacob, how rich are you, how big did your profits grow!

Oh yes, politicians and their friends like Richard Branson; that is also earning on the backs of the poor. Oh yes, Richard Branson is in the free market of making money from our NHS contributions.

Jacob Rees-Mogg requires some serious reality checks, he reminds me of the London lawyer that became seriously ill, and when he did, he asked his secretary, "how do people live on this?".

They can always find plenty of money for war can't they, and pay increases for MP's, with the largest government in the history of the country. Jacob called the £250,000 for a painting of an MP, "chicken feed". The sheer waste of public money is absolutely huge, while our people have to suffer the health cost of austerity. Austerity doesn't work, people become more and more ill due to austerity, that then increases the amount of patients for the NHS. At the same time as huge budget cuts to it, at a time of a population explosion, when the service is overworked, with it's staff underpaid. Not surprising then that the morale of the NHS is what it is!

Jacob supports zero-hour contracts and that is casual labour, not a job. In 2013, over 300,000 healthcare workers were on zero-hour contracts and they wonder why they can't recruit healthcare staff. Jacob should also receive a reality check about the food banks, there were very few food banks prior to David Cameron taking office, now there are 100's, across the country, due to millions of people not being able to afford to live.

Due to high immigration, and the competition for jobs that multiculturalism brought, salaries haven't increased in real terms since the late 80's. Another reality check, Jacob, foreigners were undercutting our own people and their standard of living, that brought down the standard of living, instead of improving it. Food prices shot through the roof, and became three times the price of what people paid for food in Australia for a better quality. Jacob Rees-Mogg from his own admittance doesn't even change a nappy for his own child, let alone shop for some.

On top of that, our British people are now a minority in their own capital city of London, the politicians didn't mind did they, while property prices were shooting up on the back of immigration and multiculturalism, they didn't mind did they, that our people were being driven out of London.

They didn't mind did they. that our healthcare workers and other public service workers couldn't afford to live in London anymore. They didn't mind did they; that foreigners were buying up our public services, properties and lands, they seriously didn't care did they, as long as their financial investments prospered, and they were able to pay a dividend to foreign shareholders.

At least Poland have some common sense, they're reducing pension age for women to age 60, and for men to age 65. Quite right too, people that have worked hard all of their lives, deserve a retirement. Poland is also banning Islamic immigration, Poland is putting it's own people first.

In Russia, Putin warned the Russian billionaires, to bring the Russian money back to Russia, and invest in their homeland that they gained it from. Jacob Rees-Mogg could learn a lot from Putin and his life experience.

Donald John Trump told his nations billionaires to stop investing abroad, and to bring the jobs back home for their own people that helped to build their corporations and financial assets. He told his people to bring the manufacturing jobs back home, so that his people could have work.

Back to the UK, what the police did to an 85 year old fracking protestor. The treatment of an 85 year old disabled woman by the British police force. What happened to human rights for our people in England, what human rights did this elderly woman have; a fracking crusader. An elderly woman "traumatised by the brutality" of grown men.


Is there any justice, there is divine justice, the flu jabs don't work on the over 65's.  Eat properly, and you don't require a flu jab, eat plenty of garlic and homemade chicken soup, eat plenty of pearl barley.  Remember the words of Hippocrates, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food".

The body doesn't like flu jabs, in fact, the body doesn't like injections at all, our bodies weren't made for injections, although, in a life or death situation, they can be essential. Although be prepared for the consequences afterwards, because when you pierce the body, especially the veins, there is other health repercussions. It's the spiritual law of cause and effect.

I still get bruising come up on my arm, a year after a blood test. When I was pregnant did I take a flu jab, certainly not. Did my son have a flu jab when he was growing up, no, he was fed properly.

Keep wrapped up during the winter, so that you are as hot as you are required to be. I like to be cosy in the wintertime, and I tend to hibernate. I wear plenty of layers of clothes, that keeps me cosy.

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