
Sunday 22 October 2017

"Getting On Cancer's Nerves"

The October 21st issue of New Scientist includes an article on how doctors in America have developed a strategy to relieve pain in cancer patients.

Can you believe it, the medics have been "injecting alcohol into the nerves surrounding pancreatic tumours pressing against the belly and spine to destroy the fiber's that carry pain signals to the brain". 

"In the late 80's, Lillemor and his colleagues at John Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland, tested the technique on 137 patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer. The benefits were obvious; those who got the alcohol injection felt far less pain afterwards than those who got a placebo. But another result was more surprising; patients given the treatment also lived longer". 

"The nervous system has long been known to play a critical role in the spread of cancer. Tumour cells can invade surrounding nerves and travel along the bodies's electrical superhighway, seeding themselves anew in distant sites. That's why, as cancers become more aggressive and metastasise, they often end up spreading to the nervous system's central hub; the brain". 

If you would like to read the article you can get a copy of the New Scientist publication in Australia, America, and the UK. Although you can also read the full article on-line too.

This information reminds me of how the sailors would drink alcohol to kill off disease and for prevention of disease. It also reminds me of how the historic Mary Seacole with the bedside manner would allow the veterans to have a drink while she was working and healing the guys with massage and healing foods.

Florence Nightingale didn't like the methodology of Mary Seacole, so those two certainly clashed. Mary had huge life experience as she had grown up being a healer in her mother's healing hotel.

In fact, Mary had a lot more experience than Florence, that was probably why Florence felt threatened by her. Mary could see straight through Florence, Mary was definitely clairvoyant and incredibly intuitive, Mary knew what the men required to get them better. With her massage she was working with the meridians, lymphatic system and nervous system, plus a lot more. Seacole was hand's on!

In England, historically, we have a fruit season. However, with import and export today, people can access any fruit at any time of the year. In America, a lot of their foods are also genetically modified, it's monsanto food, and it is a known fact, that people that eat too much fruit create issues for their pancreas due to the amount of sugar they are ingesting too. American's are also big on fizzy drinks and other sugary foods.

Personally, I've always been what I call a savoury person, I prefer savouries to sweet foods. Although I do like some natural honey in soups and different recipes sometimes.

I stopped drinking coke and pepsi in the 70's, after I did the coin test. When my son was born, he was only allowed breastmilk, water or diluted orange juice while his body was tender and growing.

Although as we know, children get to the age when they decide to choose for themselves to express their individuality, and they will often do the opposite to what their mum's say is best for them.

We know for a fact that susceptibility to cancer, run's in families. We also know that people that have a Jewish heritage also have a high incidence of it. Hence, "anti-cancer" foods are essential.

I will tell you who else is getting on the nerves of the British people, the British Police force that is promoting a Hamas charity that funds "terrorists". The British Police force that the British people pay for!

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