
Saturday 7 October 2017

Elephant and Tiger Visions

Last night I received the scent of a horse, then today whilst bathing, there was lime green energy, going more turquoise, followed by orange energy. After that I saw an elephant and then a tiger. In spiritual symbology the elephant is the overcomer of obstacles, and it is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom. It's keynote is ancient power, strength and royalty, and it's cycle of time one year.

Elephants are affectionate and loyal, and if you see an elephant appear before you, this spirit animal brings a message that there is a new opportunity to reestablish powerful family and societal ideals.

Author of Animal Speaks, Ted Andrews, shares with us that they indicate: Mutual care for the young, respect for the elderly and the sick, or wounded friends, or colleagues. In the elephant is the ideals of true societies. Being strong in yourself - foundations for a great person, or great society. Elephants are very protective and great defenders. In October it will also be the Hindu Diwalli festival, the festival of lights.

I like Tigers, and the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy does like elephants and tigers. In Chinese lore, the yellow tiger is supreme. you can anticipate some new adventures. It awakens a new power and passion, renewed devotion to your life purpose. They have such power and strength, so it is great to have these powerful Spirit animals working in your life.

Of course, the horse in spiritual symbology represents freedom. Although to receive it's scent, you know that it is with you in all that you do. The coat of a horse has such a distinctive scent, undeniable. May all our elephants, tigers and horses be preserved forever.

I like the unicorn and I like pegasus too, wonderful spiritual times shared together. When I was out the other day, I heard a little four year old girl, asking her dad for unicorn pyjamas, it put a smile upon my face.

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