
Sunday 24 September 2017

Sweden Göran Adamson "Jews Have Left Malmo"

Goran Adamson, an academic from Sweden, shares his view and while being interviewed he mentions that Jewish people have been driven out of Malmo, in Sweden.

He also wrote a book, from his perspective from the left, his critique of what is happening to the culture in Sweden. Worth listening to what he has to say. This isn't just happening in one country, it is happening across Western countries. The issue is that academia bought into multi-culturalism in their universities, due to the extra funding they received due to it.

Not only that, but local areas near to universities, have been built upon a transient student economy.

While other people in the community were "isolated and ignored" when they stood against what was happening to their locations.

What has happened in Sweden and especially to Malmo, is indeed very serious, let's call it what it is, cultural genocide of Sweden.

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